- ISPE Greater China Steering Committee and ISPE have selected the following topics for the upcoming conference; you're more than welcome to email us any of your interested topics. 以下是ISPE大中華區籌備委員會與ISPE共同研討得出的備選話題,歡迎您將感興趣的話題以郵件形式通知我們.
- A Steering Committee chaired by SHWF will be set up. 設立由福局局長擔任主席的督導委員會。
- Second meeting of the Exploratory Steering Committee. 「千年評估」探索指導委員會第二次會議。
- Wooten said a steering committee met in April and August of 2008. 沃頓說,籌劃指導委員會在2008年4月和8月召開了會議。
- In March 1996,the Seventh and last Steering Committee of the International Conference on Indo-Chinese Refugees met in Geneva. It was agreed that the CPA should end on June 30,1996. 一九九六年三月,第七屆也是最後一屆的國際印支難民督導委員會在日內瓦舉行會議,與會國同意綜合行動計劃在一九九六年六月三十日結束。
- In March 1996, the Seventh and last Steering Committee of the International Conference on Indo-Chinese Refugees met in Geneva. It was agreed that the CPA should end on June 30, 1996. 一九九六年三月,第七屆也是最後一屆的國際印支難民督導委員會在日內瓦舉行會議,與會國同意綜合行動計劃在一九九六年六月三十日結束。
- The Steering Committee is due to submit its recommendations in mid-1999. 我期望在一九九九年年中收到督導委員會的建議。
- Two - day Conference approaching the end of the assignment for Program participants to share learning, network with each other, and to meet OD mgr and the program steering committee members, and finalize the next assignment. 第一階段任務結束后,通過兩天的會議分享收穫,與其它優秀的參加者建立合作關係並確定下一個工作任務。
- A Steering Committee of network partners is guiding development of the network. 網路夥伴的指導委員會正在指導網路的發展。
- All applications are considered by the QEF Steering Committee (QEFSC) and its Assessment Subcommittee. 優質教育基金督導委員會及轄下的評審專責委員會負責評審所有撥款申請書。
- The Steering Committee submitted in October its recommendations for action and implementation timetable to the Financial Secretary. 督導委員會已於十月向財政司司長提交有關具體工作及執行時間表的建議。
- The company has a Simultaneous Engineering Steering Committee to oversee the process of new car design. 公司成立同步工程指導委員會來掌握新車設計流程。
- In the past year, the Steering Committee has implemented a number of quality taxi services projects. 回顧過去一年,優質的士服務督導委員會已成功推行多項優質的士服務計劃。
- The Steering Committee recommends mortgage lenders to specify the default rate of interest in the facility letter. 統籌委員會建議按揭貸款人在貸款函件內列明違約利率。
- The Executive Director initiates and implements SPARC's plans and programs upon the advice of the Steering Committee. 執行董事根據指導委員會的建議,啟動和執行SPARC的各項計劃與方案。
- Last month the NGIO steering committee approved the release of the NGIO 1.0 specification. 上月(即今年七月)NGIO指導委員會批准公布NGIO 1.;0規範。
- As a result, the URC was invited to become a part of the project steering committee. 結果,城市資源中心被邀請成為指導方案委員會的一部分。
- Previously he was vice-chair of the Assembly's Steering Committee and chair of the S.A.V.E.Task Force. 此前他是眾議院指導委員會的副主席和濫用藥物和暴力教育專職小組的副主席。
- The Steering Committee commissioned a consultancy study to examine the demand for and supply of human resources development in the financial services sector. 督導委員會聘請顧問,探討金融服務業在人力資源發展方面的供求情況。
- To promote training for taxi drivers, the Steering Committee has made a number of recommendations to Transport Department. 在推動的士司機培訓方面,優質的士服務督導委員會亦為運輸署提供了不少意見。