- The Federal regulatory agency established by the CFTC Act of 1974 to administer the Commodity Exchange Act. 依照美國1974年的CFTC法案成立的一個聯邦管理機構,其任務是監督商品期貨交易所法案的執行。
- The Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd. 印度大宗商品交易所。
- Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd. 和印度多種商品交易所。
- Contract is the legal form of commodity exchange. 合同是商品交換的法律表現形式。
- The distribution channel is the carrier of commodity exchange. 分銷渠道是企業完成其產品(服務)交換、實現價值、產生效益的重要載體。
- Second, the price determining is the key step in the commodity exchange. 第二,商品價格的確定是商品交換的關鍵。
- It must pledge to abide by the ROC Securities and Exchange Act and related regulations, directives, and policies. 遵守中華民國證券交易法及相關法令政策規定。
- Like most things to do with soybeans in China, the Dalian Commodity Exchange is doing record business. 與中國多數與大豆有關的事情一樣,大連商品交易所的業務也在高創紀錄。
- A bill should be protested within one working day of dishonor, otherwise under the Bill of Exchange Act (1882) all signatories are freed from liability on the bill. 按照英國1882年票據法規定,匯票必須在拒付的一個工作日之內作成拒付證書,否則票據上所有簽字人將免除債務責任。
- Commerce culture is the cultural phenomenon with the commerce property appearing in the field of commodity exchange. 商業文化是在商品流通領域中表現出來的具有商業特質的文化現象。
- At present it has 120,000 wholesale and retail shops and mts, 330 commodity exchange markets. 現有批零貿易業和餐飲業網點12萬個,商品交易市場330個。
- Credit is an important behavior rule, established with the social intercourse and commodity exchange. 信用是由人們的社會交往和商品交換而逐漸建立起來的重要行為準則。
- This paper selects 24 list companies that apply antidumping investigations in Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange act as investigative sample. 本文選取在上海證券交易所和深圳證券交易所上市的24家申請反傾銷調查的公司為研究樣本,對其在商務部反傾銷調查立案當年及其前後是否採取了盈餘管理行為進行了實證檢驗。
- The establishment of the DSS of commodity exchange system is also discussed in details. 並且進一步討論了如何建立基於數據倉庫的商品交易決策支持模型.
- Market is an important place for commodity exchange, and one of the most important sources of state taxation. 市場是商品交易的重要場所,也是國家稅收的主要來源之一。
- However, the city is more well-known for its IT industry and commodity exchange. 大連擁有優厚的地理條件,以及在造船業及石油工業,都建立了一定的成績。
- The foreign exchange market is not an organized market in the same sense as a stock exchange or commodity exchange. 外匯交易市場不是股票交易所和商品交易所那樣有組織的市場。
- Gradually, the primary barter was replaced by the commodity exchange conducted by money. 最開始的物物交換逐漸被以貨幣為媒介的商品交換所取代。
- Xiang Mingyou suggested that discourse communication is similar to commodity exchange. 向明友認為,言語交際行為與經濟行為中的商品交換相似。
- Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized. 按照1934年證券交易法的規定,上報公司正式責成下列正式授權人代表其在本報告上簽字。