- Winter is the best time for hunting in mountain areas. 冬季是山區狩獵的最佳時間。
- In mountainous areas annual rainfall may exceed 2000mm. 但山區的年降雨量可能超過2000毫米。
- Big co-operatives can be formed in mountain areas as well as on the plains. 不但平原地區可以辦大社,山區也可以辦大社。
- Weather is changing all the time in mountain areas, Now it's fine, and then it begins to rain. 山區的天氣真是變幻無常,剛才還是晴天,一會兒就下起了雨。
- Weather is changing all the time in mountain areas, Now it's fine. and then it begins to rain. 山區的天氣真是變幻無常,剛才還是晴天,一會兒就下起了雨。
- Rodrigue said it was unclear whether China would be able to meet the needs of victims trapped in mountain areas. 一位要求匿名的中國官員在上海說:「這意味著我們更加積極地融入國際社會,最大的新聞就是我們接受了來自日本的救援。
- B 0 and 2C 0 truck locos can all meet the requirement of applying in mountain area with small radius of curve. 3B0 軸式轉向架機車和 2C0 軸式徑向轉向架機車均能較好地適應山區小半徑曲線線路。
- The Miao nationality, Tu Jia Zu lives in mountain area muchly , slope is bigger. 吊腳樓有很多好處,高懸地面既通風乾燥,又能防毒蛇、野獸,樓板下還可放雜物。
- In China, mitigation of debris flow and landslide (DFL) disasters is an important issue for road engineering and traffic safe in mountain areas. 摘要山區道路泥石流、滑坡減災已成為保障道路工程和交通安全的重要問題。
- Because most UHV transmission lines locate in mountain areas,lightning disaster is the prime cause for transmission line failures. 特高壓輸電線路大部分地處山區,雷害佔據了輸電線路故障的首要位置。
- The improvement measures of washout in mountain area consisted of living creature measure and the engineering measure, with their combining, could control the washout. 摘要山區沖刷溝治理措施包括植物措施和工程措施,通過採取二者相結合的方式,能夠有效進行沖刷溝的治理,達到共同控制溝發展的效果。
- He took part in a street combat in which two people were killed. 他參與了一起街頭打鬥,打鬥中兩個人被打死。
- There is little difference of damage extent between dicotyledon and monocotyledon in mountain area and relatively low oasis plain. 山地與海拔相對低的綠洲平原之間的過渡麥區,單、雙子葉雜草危害程度基本相同。
- Select the manual mode of combat in the battle interface. 選擇在戰役界面里的戰鬥的用手的方式。
- Perilous rock is one of main geologic disasters in mountain area of China.Safe net system is a passive control technique for rockfall in recent years. 摘要危岩是我國山地一種主要地質災害類型,攔石網是近年應用的一種落石柔性被動防護系統。
- On the basis of the design practice of Taigu highway,this paper discusses the application of topography and geology route selection in the highway design in mountain areas. 結合太古高速公路的設計實踐,對地形地質選線在山區高速公路設計中的應用進行了探討。
- In mountainous area, gas pipelines are destroyed by rockfall impact. 其中,在山區由落石衝擊作用引起輸氣管道破壞的現象時有發生。
- The multi-arch tunnel is often adopted in the construction of short tunnel in mountain area, due to the restriction of landform and road line. 摘要山區隧道由於受地形及展線限制,一些較短的隧道常常選用連拱結構型式。
- There's always an element of danger in mountain climbing. 登山總是有些危險的。