- Orbital bombardment is the ultimate close support weapon. 地雷是機會均等的武器。
- The army cannot rely on Prithvi, a battlefield support missile, unless technological issues affecting its launch readiness are resolved. 除非發射準備的技術問題得到解決,印度軍隊是無法依賴於「大地」戰術支援導彈的。
- All closed support tickets deleted successfully! 全部已關閉的支持問題成功刪除!
- We provide continual close support from the specification stage through to the mature application. 我們從計劃部署階段到後期應用階段都提供不斷的緊密支持。
- Assault guns provided close support as the panzergrenadiers stormed the heavily defended villages along the Psel. 突擊炮支援裝甲擲彈兵轟擊普色爾河岸村莊的堅固防禦。
- Unaware of the "Tiger trap" that had been set for him, Wittmann set off into the town, with one of his Tigers and the Panzer IV in close support. 魏特曼沒有察覺到為他準備的「老虎套」,徑直進入了鎮子,只有1輛IV型坦克跟隨著他。
- Heinz Guderian organized Panzers into self-contained Panzer Divisions working with the close support of infantry motorized infantry artillery and airforce. 海因茨古德里安把裝甲車輛編織成了單獨的裝甲師,並且和支援步兵,摩托化步兵,炮兵和空軍進行協同作戰。
- This time vetting is more thorough, training lasts three weeks instead of one, pay is higher, and AP3 units are promised mentoring and close support by American forces. 這次將會進行更徹底的審查,並且對成員進行為期3周的培訓,高薪酬會讓AP3單位的指導更多是為了支持美國不對。
- Offensive Air Support Missile Analysis 攻勢空中支援任務分析
- The theatre has had to close for lack of support. 這家劇院光顧者寡只好關閉。
- Harrier close support attack plane [UK] 鷂式近距離支援攻擊機[英國];
- Multipurpose Close Support Weapon 多用途近距支援武器
- Anti-submarine Air Close Support 反潛空中緊密支援
- Kestrel Missile impact! That one was close! 導彈衝擊!太險了!
- People say that the tiger is still lurk close to. 人們說那隻老虎還躲在附近。
- Anti-submarine Air Escort and Close Support 反潛空中護航與緊密支援
- The scribe worked hard to support his family. 那個抄寫員辛勤工作來養家。
- She is buying a flat close to her office. 她正在購買一套靠近她辦公室的單元房。
- She's always been very close about her past life. 她對自己過去的生活一直守口如瓶。
- I have a wife and two children to support. 我有妻子和兩個小孩要扶養。