- Only two days after the fall of the Paris Commune,Marx read out to the General Council of the First International his famous work The Civil War in France. 巴黎公社起義失敗后僅僅兩天,馬克思就向第一國際總委員會宣讀了他的名著《法蘭西內戰》。
- Only two days after the fall of the Paris Commune ,Marx read out to the General Council of the First International his famous work the Civil War in France . 巴黎公社起義失敗后僅僅兩天,馬克思就向第一國際總委員會宣讀了他的名著《法蘭西內戰》。
- Only two days after the fall of the Paris Commune , Marx read out to the General Council of the First International his famous work the Civil War in France . 巴黎公社起義失敗后僅僅兩天,馬克思就向第一國際總委員會宣讀了他的名著《法蘭西內戰》。
- English politician and historian who was falsely accused of treason and banished(1667). While in France he wrote his major work, The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England(1702-1704). 克拉倫登英國政治家和歷史學家,被錯判叛國罪併流放(1667年)。在法國寫出他的重要著作英國叛亂和內戰史(1702-1704年)
- English politician and historian who was falsely accused of treason and banished(1667). While in France he wrote his major work,The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England(1702-1704). 克拉倫登英國政治家和歷史學家,被錯判叛國罪併流放(1667年)。在法國寫出他的重要著作英國叛亂和內戰史(1702-1704年)
- Caesar caused a civil war in 49 BC. 凱撒於公元前49年引發一場內戰。
- The civil war in the US has two sides. 美國內戰分成兩派。
- The slavery was overthrown after the Civil War in U.S.A. 在南北戰爭結束之後,美國的奴隸制被廢除了。
- It is civil war in the West, plain suicidal foolishness. 這是西方的內戰,純粹是愚蠢的自殺行為。
- The documents about civil war in this meseum are costful. 這個博物館里有關內戰的檔案彌足珍貴。
- Explosive plotline set amidst a terrible civil war in Africa. 火爆的遊戲舞台被設定在被戰亂不斷破壞的非洲大陸。
- During America's Civil War in the 1860s, slavery was finally ended. 在19世紀60年代美國內戰期間,奴隸制終於垮台了。
- The Civil War in France 法蘭西內戰
- That was Henry V, about a very famous English king who fought a war in France. (那是享利五世,關於一個英國很有名的國王,他掀起了一個戰爭在法國。)
- Sassoon enlisted as a soldier at the outbreak of war in 1914, and became an officer during the fighting in France. 塞尚在1914年戰爭爆發時入伍為士兵,在法國作戰升為軍官。
- Slavery was abolished in America after the Civil War in the 19th century. 美國的奴隸制度是19世紀時南北戰爭以後被廢止的.
- Many soldiers went under in the Civil War. 許多士兵在內戰中陣亡。
- She wrote a memoir of her stay in France. 她寫了一篇旅法記事錄。
- Saudi Arabia got more deeply involved in the civil war in northern Yemen. 沙烏地阿拉伯更加深陷於在葉門北部發生的國內戰爭中。
- The actors set the fashion in France. 在法國,時新的式樣都是演員們首創的。