- Civil Service Bureau Circular Memorandum 公務員事務局通函
- However, there is no decentralisation of pay administration, which is centrally managed by the Civil Service Bureau. 不過,由公務員事務局中央處理的薪酬管理工作,仍沒有下放。
- What role should the central agencies such as Civil Service Bureau and Finance Bureau play in future pay determination? 公務員事務局及庫務局等中央機構在未來的薪酬釐定工作上應擔當甚麼角色?
- The Administration briefed members on the work of the Civil Service Bureau in the promotion of integrity in the civil service. 政府當局向委員簡介公務員事務局在促進公務員廉潔操守方面的工作。
- The department also helped the Civil Service Bureau organise two roving exhibitions on the Basic Law, in 1998 and 1999, which attracted altogether more than 43000 people. 此外,律政司也協助公務員事務局籌辦了兩次《基本法》巡迴展覽,分別在一九九八和一九九九年舉行,總參觀人數逾43000人。
- The department also helped the Civil Service Bureau organise two roving exhibitions on the Basic Law,in 1998 and 1999,which attracted altogether more than 43000 people. 此外,律政司也協助公務員事務局籌辦了兩次《基本法》巡迴展覽,分別在一九九八和一九九九年舉行,總參觀人數逾43000人。
- The Panel discussed the paper on policy initiatives of the Civil Service Bureau set out in the 2005-06 Policy Agenda, including the reduction of the civil service establishment. 事務委員會討論當局提供的文件,當中說明2005至06年施政綱領載列的公務員事務局政策措施,包括削減公務員編製。
- Working in parallel, the Community Relations Department has been partnering with the Civil Service Bureau to promote a probity culture in the civil service. 此外,社區關係處亦與公務員事務局合作經年,推動持廉守正的文化。
- For Civil Service Pensioners, the Authorization Form Try 489 is available from the Pensions Division of the Treasury and Pensioners Welfare Unit of Civil Service Bureau. 供退休公務員填寫的授權表格Try 489號,可從庫務署退休金分部及公務員事務局退休公務員福利組索取。
- The Director of Administration replied that they would need to obtain the agreement of the Civil Service Bureau on the proposed deletion of civil service posts. 行政署長回覆,他們需取得公務員事務局的同意刪除公務員職位。
- Reorganisation of Civil Service Bureau 重組公務員事務局架構
- Civil Service Bureau - Channel of Consultation 公務員事務局-諮詢渠道
- Civil Service Bureau - Post-retirement Employment 公務員事務局-退休后就業
- Civil Service Bureau - Voluntary Retirement Scheme 公務員事務局-自願退休計劃
- Civil Service Bureau - Text Version 公務員事務局-純文字版
- Civil Service Bureau homepage revamped 公務員事務局網頁增強內容
- Civil Service Bureau of Government Secretariat 政府總部:公務員事務局
- Civil Service Bureau Government Vacancies 公務員事務局:政府職位空缺
- Launching jointly with the Civil Service Bureau a 與公務員事務局攜手舉辦
- He filed for a civil service job. 他申請公務員的工作。