- initial-abstraction retention (降水的)初始截留
- Church Monoid的集合表示A set-theoretical representation of Church Monoid
- Church-Turing-Deutsch原理Church-turing-deutsch principle
- Thom &Church]、黑麴黴(A. niger v. Tiegh.)Thom & Church, A.
- 目前,已有一些公用的體系結構問世,如數據抽象和面向對象組織(data abstraction and OO organization)、層次式系統(layered system)等。Now, there are several common system architecture such as data abstraction and OO organization, layered system.
- 希臘[東方]正教會((the Orthodox(Eastern)Church之別稱))The byzantine Church
- 希臘 [東方] 正教會((the Orthodox (Eastern) Church 之別稱))the Byzantine Church
- 第二步的工作就是完成該開發板上的外部設備驅動程序編寫,把底層跟硬體相關的東西做成硬體抽象層HAL(Hardware Abstraction Layer),供上層用戶或操作系統調用。secondly, we finished the hardware drive programming and called them HAL(Hardware Abstraction Layer). The HAL was used by upper layer user or system.
- 顯然,仿照英國的「Established Church」是不難造出這個詞來的。It would clearly be easy to form it by analogy with the "Established Church" of England.
- 顯然,仿照英國的「Established Church」是不難造出這個詞來的。It would clearly be easy to form it by analogy with the "Established Church" of England.
- 同時為了適應不同的傳輸網路,H. 264從設計理念上把視頻編碼和傳輸分開,形成兩個層次:視頻編碼層(Video Coding Layer,VCL)和網路提取層(Network Abstraction Layer,NAL);H.264 separate video encoding and transmission to two layers: Video Coding Layer (VCL) and Network Abstraction Layer (NAL) in order to fit different network.
- 著名的丘奇(A.Church)命題指出,任何演算法都可以用一個圖靈機來描述.It is declared in the A. Church proposition that every algorithm can be described with a Turing machine.
- 本研究為更有效測量學前兒童抽象能力和認知靈活性,基於靈活選擇任務(FIST)創建了一種新的測量學前兒童抽象能力和認知靈活性的工具(Abstraction and Cognitive Flexibility Task,簡稱為ACFT)。For assessing more efficiently abstraction and cognitive flexibility in preschoolers, this research made a new measuring tool named Abstraction and Cognitive Flexibility Task (ACFT) based on Flexible Item Selection Task(FIST).
- 本文推廣 Stone Representation Theorem中所用的方法給出了 Church Monoid的集合表示 . 而且根據此表示定理 ,給出了定理 1的一個新證明 .The method in the Stone Representation Theorem is generalized and a set theoretical representation of Church Monoid is given, by which a new proof of Theorem 1 is offered.
- 米根霉(Rhizopus oryzae Went & Geerlings)、薛氏麴黴(Aspergillus cheva-lieri(Mangin)Thom & Church)、禾黑芽枝霉(Clodosporium herbarum(pers.)Fumigatus Fres. ,Rhizopuz oryzae went &Geerlings,Asper- gillus Chevalieri(Mangin)Thom & Church,Clodosporium Herbarum (pers.)
- sydowii(Bainier & Sart)Thom & Church,芽枝狀枝孢Cladosporium cladosporioides(Fries)de Vries,長孢被孢霉Mortierella elongata Linnemann,桔灰青黴Penicillium aurantiogriseum Dierckx,平滑青黴Pen.sydowii (Bainier & Sart) Thorn & Church, Cladosporium cladosporioides ( Fries) de Vries, Mortierella elongata Linnemann, Penicillium aurantiogriseum Dierckx, Pen. purpurescens (Sopp) Biourge, Pen. viridicatum Westling, Phialophora alba v.