- Chu State ,s corvee aim to reinforce national military strength while its farm tax aim to strengthen national economic strength. 楚國的軍賦以加強國家軍事實力為目的,田賦則以增強國家經濟實力為旨歸。
- Ya played for the last time in front of the woodman』s tomb. 問題一般都是出現在借錢投資買房上,因為那時你買房不是為了住,而是為了賣出賺錢,一旦出現市場波動,個人錢可以賴著不還,銀行的錢可賴不過去了。
- bamboo slips from Chu State tombs 楚墓遣冊
- The Wizard in Chu State can be divided into Official Wizard and Folk Wizard. 楚巫覡可以分為官方巫覡和民間巫覡兩種。
- Cultural Comparison on the Tombs of the Chu State and the Qin State 楚墓與秦墓的文化比較
- The taxes system of Chu State maily includes corvee, farm tax ,land rent,household tax,tariff and so on. 楚國的賦稅制度,主要包括軍賦、田稅、地租、戶口稅和關市稅等幾種形式。
- Standing on the wall, it can be seen well-known writer Tony Island and Chateaubriand』s tomb. 站在城牆上,可以看到大貝島和著名作家夏多布里昂的墳墓。
- In Five Dynasty, the terrain of "Huxiang" was equated with "MaChu" (Chu state which was founded by the family of Ma). 至五代時期,人們更是將其與馬楚範圍等同。
- For Jews the site is the traditional location of David\'s Tomb (the pseudo-tomb not the actual tomb) marked by a small synagogue on the first floor. 對猶太人來說,其遺址是傳統上大衛王墳墓的位置(是冒充的墳墓,不是真正那一個),在一樓地基上有一個小小的猶太人集會標記。
- After the struggle by the Chu people , the Chu state became a great state, with the leading metallurgic skill in all the country. 楚人經過艱辛歷程而成為泱泱大國,冶金技術達到了全國領先水平。
- Personnel of Chu state city was founded in June 2008 " the hero is ecru " QQ group, group inside the nearly 200 people when the member is most. 滁州市人員2008年6月創建了「英雄本色」QQ群,群內成員最多時近200人。
- Among other Biblical mentions and Holy Sites in Bethlehem: Rachel\'s tomb, Naomi and Ruth, Samuel anoints King David and the well from which David\'s warriors brought him waters. 在聖經有所提及的地方中,伯利恆的聖地有:雷切爾的墳墓,拿俄米與路得,撒母耳施以大衛王塗油禮,大衛的士兵為他送水的那口井。
- The first one was an old man from the Chu State, with a family name of Li, given name Er, and a studio name of 「Bo Yang」. 第一個老子是春秋末年楚國人,姓李名耳字伯陽,曾擔任周王朝的「守藏室史」,相當於皇家檔案館或圖書館的館長。
- In the historic city of Messologi and under a heavy rain, Takis Papachristos was previleged to be the first torchbearer, starting the second day relay in Hero\'s Tomb. 希臘選擇了獨立戰爭的主戰場邁索隆吉翁作為當日奧運火炬傳遞的首站,而起跑儀式就在為紀念戰爭烈士而建的英雄公墓內舉行。
- Qu Yuan, courtesy name Yuan, was a litterateur and a minister of Chu state during Warring States Period. 戰國時楚國大臣,文學家,字原。
- Reflexology has been practiced for thousands of years in Asia and the origins of Reflexology reach back to ancient Egypt as evidenced by inscriptions found in a physician』s tomb at Saqqara in Egypt. 按摩已實行數千年來在亞洲和起源的反射達到回古埃及銘文證明中找到一個醫生的墳墓在薩卡拉在埃及。
- QU Yuan's creation of such images results from his own experience as well as the geographic environment and cultural background of Chu state (one of the Warring States). 屈辭香草意象的形成機制是多方面的,可以從屈原自身、楚國地理環境和文化背景等方面進行探討。
- And the great majority of the Warring States lacquer wares came from the Chu tombs.The Chu State is the country with the vastest territory during the Warring States period. 而戰國漆器大多數又出自楚墓,楚國是戰國時期幅員最大的國家,已發掘的戰國墓也以楚墓為最多。
- Site of the Chu State Capital at Jinancheng 楚紀南故城
- Magic trees are widely found among Chu tombs. 摘要楚「神樹」在楚墓中屢出不鮮。