- Comparison between Culture of Zhao Kingdom in pre Qin Period and the Reformative Opening Spirit in Athenian Culture 先秦趙文化與古希臘雅典文化改革開放精神比較
- Mohism thoughts in Pre Qin Dynasty involved abundant thoughts on HR management. 先秦墨家思想中包含著豐富的人力資源管理心理思想。
- Abstract: The luck and motto seal of the Han Dynasty, like the guxi of pre - Qin period, had not the function of a keepsake.Its content includes auspicious words or mottos for morality cultivation. 摘 要: 漢印中的吉語格言印如同先秦時期的吉語格言古璽一樣,並不具備信物的功能,其內容往往都是一些以祈福為目的的吉祥語詞或修身的箴言。
- Zhongshan State in pre - Qin period 先秦中山國
- Guo Moruo,as an outstanding historian,archaeologist, writer and poet in contemporary Chinese history,made unparalleled achievements in the study of pre Qin history. 郭沫若是中國現代傑出的歷史學家、考古學家、古文字學家、作家和詩人,他在先秦史研究中取得了前人無法與之相比的成就。
- Confucianism in the Pre - Qin period 先秦儒家
- It originated from early Qin period, developed initially during Han and Tang dynasties and promoted enormously in modern times. 漢民族凝聚力發端於先秦,初步發展於漢唐,提升於宋元明清,升華於近現代。
- Pre Qin--the Initial Stage of Human-rights Awareness and Spirit in China 先秦--中國人權意識與精神的發韌期
- Large - scale' s pre - baked anode cell 大型預焙槽
- Confucius is the founder of Confucianism, both Mencius and Xunzi are the inheritor of Confucianism in early Qin period, and they make great contribution to the development of Confucianism. 孔子是儒學的創始人,孟子和荀子都是先秦時期儒家學說的繼承人,都對儒學的發展作出過巨大貢獻。
- On systematization of the world model of Five Elements of Pre - Qin period 試論先秦五行世界圖式之系統化
- the subject on various schoolsof thought and exponents during pre - Qin period 諸子學
- A study of Pre Qin Dynasty thought on a clean and honest government 論先秦時代的廉政思想
- the Confucian and Taoist scholars in the pre Qin days 先秦儒道諸子
- On Loan Activities in the Pro - Qin Period 先秦借貸活動探析
- Beijing is the capital of China. 北京是中國的首都。
- philosophers of the Pre- Qin period 先秦諸子
- The China is being celebrated by its handicrafts. 中國是以它的手工藝品而著稱。
- China has entered a period of low fertility level since1990' s. 計劃生育行政執法作為計劃生育行政管理的基本手段和方式,是整個計劃生育行政管理活動中一個必不可少的中間環節。
- The Pacifism of the School of War during the Pre - Qin Period and Its Modern Values 先秦兵家和平思想及其現代價值