- IF THE secret of success in the cinema is to anticipate the popular mood, Thailand s film industry should be feeling pretty chuffed[1]. 假如電影業的成功秘訣就是投大眾所好,那麼泰國電影業一定會感到高興。
- FTI's position: World glass film industry leader. FTI 的定位:世界玻璃薄膜行業的領先者。
- When the People"s Republic of China (P.R.C.) was founded in 1949, the changes occurred in the film industry were as fierce as those in other fields. 新中國初立之時,發生在電影業的變化並不比其他任何領域為小。
- Less Increment, When will the China Film Industry be Mature? 少了增值,中國電影產業幾時成熟?
- How new money is changing the film industry. 新注入的資金如何改變電影業。
- John found a desirable job in the film industry. 約翰在電影業找到了稱心如意的工作。
- Ge You is an old stager in Chinese film industry. 葛優是中國電影界的老戲骨。
- Just through all the NG's Film...Compare with Malaysia's version...I feel China's version is better... 大家對中國版的金花報喜這名有什麽意見&感覺?
- Her rapid rise to the top has been one of the film industry's most remarkable success stories. 她迅速走紅是電影界最傑出的一個事例。
- Shanley』s film feels caught between two mediums and why Ms. 這些對於表現教會與性別,比任何一次修女與神父之間逐漸升溫的交鋒都更為有力。
- Kurosawa』s film simply shows more about the characters. 這就是看不見的手的作用。
- For years the British film industry merely aped Hollywood. 多年來,英國電影業一味模仿好萊塢。
- The shackles of Chinese ideology were broken through in the late of 1970s.Bazin』s film theory was introduced into china again and deeply influnced chinese film research. 1970年代末開始,隨著社會的開放和思想的解禁,巴贊的電影理論再次被引進,產生了深遠的影響。
- Steven Spielberg is on of the top directors in the film industry and also has many fans in China. 斯皮爾伯格是電影界中最優秀的導演之一在中國也有他的許多影迷。
- In the end,she missed the film industry and returned to Hollywood. 最終,她懷念電影行業,回到了好萊塢。
- MGM,Paramount,and Columbia are all majors in film industry. 米高梅、派拉蒙和哥倫比亞都是電影業的大公司。
- Jiangwen is very newby, so does his film. hopefully, the film industry in China can be newbilized. 姜文的電影很牛逼,他是一個牛逼的人,希望中國電影都能牛逼化。
- Zhang Yimou has made great contributions to Chinese film industry. 張藝謀對中國電影業做出了巨大貢獻。
- In the end, she missed the film industry and returned to Hollywood. 最終,她懷念電影行業,回到了好萊塢。
- MGM, Paramount, and Columbia are all majors in film industry. 米高梅、派拉蒙和哥倫比亞都是電影業的大公司。