- Macrocosmically speaking, it not only establishes solid bases but offers power for long, persist and standard development of China"s capital market. 從宏觀上講可以為我國資本市場打下堅實的基石,為我國資本市場的長久和持續規範化發展提供一種動力。
- COMMERCIAL bankers, nostalgic for the days when corporate customers still belonged to them rather than the capital market s, have for some time gazed longingly at China. 商業銀行家仍在懷念那些過去的日子,在那個時候大批的消費者仍然屬於他們而不是資本市場,一段時間以來,這些商業銀行家用渴望的眼神注視著中國。
- China will support capital market that favour of hi-tech development. 中國將扶持有利於高新技術發展的資本市場.
- Placement has been developing quickly since 1993, however, due to China"s economic environment, it also causes some illegitimate phenomenon and bring new problems to the capital market. 配股在我國自1993年正式出現以來發展迅速,但是由於所處市場環境的影響,在發展的同時也產生了一些不正常的現象,給市場帶來了新的問題。
- How to Make Savings Flow into Capital Market? 儲蓄資金如何進入資本市場?
- Persist in reform of the Capital Market? 資本市場:希望在哪兒?
- Opening The Capital Market What Shall We Do? 資本市場開放:我們還要做什麼?
- Analyzing stock investments in capital market. 分析資本市場上的股票投資。
- Germania』s capital, Berlin, became a Nazi showplace. 德國首都柏林,成為納粹展示。
- The smell rushed out, and so did the tiny dogs, tongues wagging, yipping, unaware of their central role in an issue gripping China』s capital city. 氣味沖了出來,然後是小狗,舌頭擺動,吠個不停,對自己在中國的首都一份引人關注的公告的中心角色毫不知情。
- Turning debts into shares should be adopted as a way to relieve debts in our efforts to institutionalize China s capital market.A mature capital... 一個成熟的資本市場,必然蘊含著正義的法律理念,貫穿著良好的法律制度。
- The economic system reform of China is going on key period at present, as a method of Nation"s capital retreating from competitive field, MBO appears. 目前我國的經濟體制改革正進行到關鍵時期,作為國有資本退出競爭性領域的一種方式的管理層收購在我國的許多行業和企業出現了。
- Second, the interest rate cut helped invigorate the capital market. 二是活躍了資本市常
- Sometimes I even feel frustrated for not having a chance to tell you: Shut up, you idiots who viciously criticize china without knowing where china』s capital is located. 我不是在作文考試,就算考試我也沒有要拿滿分的慾望,保證不犯任何錯誤。一篇文章,重要的是內容非形式。扯遠了。
- Second,the interest rate cut helped invigorate the capital market. 二是利息率降低幫助活躍了資本市場。
- Capital markets in a transitional economy like China are segmented. 在中國這樣的轉型經濟中,資本市場支離破碎。
- The efficiency of the U.S. capital market is legendary. 美國資金市場效率之高帶有一點傳奇色彩。
- AMERICA'S capital, filled with politicos and pundits, is a noisy place. 美國首都政客學者雲集,熱鬧非凡。
- The Development of Capital Market a New Opportunity of Banking? 資本市場助推銀行新發展?
- In 1958, Franco Modigliani and Merton Miller established two propositions for the relation between a firm』s capital structure, its market value and cost of capital. 在1958年,佛朗哥莫迪利亞尼和默頓米勒設立了兩個主張之間的關係一個公司的資本結構,其市場價值和資本成本。