- China' s space exploration 中國空間探測
- Space exploration is still in its infancy. 宇宙探索仍處於初級階段
- Now China's first astronaut, Yang Liwei has become our idol and it is the students' dream to work in the future for space exploration. 現在我國第一名宇航員楊利偉已經成為同學們的偶像了,而他們的夢想就是將來去太空探險。
- It 's difficult to quantify the value of space exploration . 把太空探索的價值進行量化是很困難的。
- Humanity has made great progress in space exploration and medicine. 人類在太空研究和醫學上取得了很大進展。
- Coincidence??I think not!! G's space!! 此共享空間沒有音樂列表。
- Men venture their lives in space exploration. 人們冒著生命危險從事太空探索。
- Is space exploration a waste of money. 太空探索。
- Space exploration helps us learn about the Earth. 太空探險幫助我們更多地了解地球。
- EdWiNa#LYKuek#'s Space - NOTHING is IMPOSSIBLE in GOD... 讓我最後的抉擇,真的是選擇你,我的神。。。我的天父。。。
- The world major part country, explains 「the god from frontage seven」 the lift-off with China's Space Exploration. 世界絕大部分國家,都從正面來解讀「神七」的升空和中國的太空探索。
- Whose papers are these? Somebody』s spaced out. 這些文件是誰的?有人心不在焉。
- The moon landing inaugurated a new era in space exploration. 登陸月球開創了太空探索的新紀元。
- It's difficult to quantify the value of space exploration. 把太空探索的價值進行量化是很困難的。
- Both candidates seem to support space exploration, Chiao said. 焦立中說,這兩名候選人似乎都支持空間探索活動。
- The history of space exploration is an exciting drama. 太空探險的歷史是一個激動人心的戲。
- Billions of dollars have been spent on space exploration. 數十億美元花費在太空探索上。
- As China's second manned spacecraft flight of the success of China's space exploration to stand on a new starting point. 隨著中國第二次載人航天飛船飛行的圓滿成功,中國人的太空探索就站在了一個新起點上。
- The disaster of Challenger fueled the debate on space exploration. 挑戰者號太空梭的慘案加劇了人們對與航空探索的爭論。
- Aesthetically, they look like a combination of Megaman’s space boots, a muppet head, and an old tobacco pipe. 從外觀上看,它們看起來像佳美的空間靴子,提線木偶頭,老煙斗組合。