- China' s inbound tourism 中國入境旅遊
- This paper analyzes the inbound travelers in China and points out that the more differences in cultures, the smaller the inbound tourism market is. 摘要從文化學角度分析指出中國入境旅遊客源市場呈現出隨文化距離的增大而遞減的總體特徵;
- Provenzano, said June 25 from Tibet will open resume inbound tourism market. 扎諾說,6月25日起西藏將正式恢復開放入境旅遊市場。
- Second, not only the inbound tourism market of China takes a more substantial role in the service industry nowadays, it also is earning a greater value in its share of the industry. 其次是入境旅遊業在服務業中的地位正日益重要,並且逐漸由粗放型的低附加價值產業轉型為精作型的高附加價值;
- Exports of services fared better in the first half of the year, bolstered by sustained growth in offshore trade and inbound tourism. 至於服務輸出,在離岸貿易及訪港旅遊業持續增長的帶動下,上半年表現較佳。
- Taiwan, the mainland has become a source to receive an important foundation for inbound tourism market. 台灣地區客源市場已成為大陸接待入境旅遊的重要基礎市場。
- Exports of services fared better in the first half of the year,bolstered by sustained growth in offshore trade and inbound tourism. 至於服務輸出,在離岸貿易及訪港旅遊業持續增長的帶動下,上半年表現較佳。
- Hong Kong is currently enjoying a record current account surplus, produced by the rapid growth in exports and inbound tourism. 出口增長迅速,加上來港遊客增加,使本港錄得的往來帳盈餘正在上升。
- Due to historical factors, Hong Kong is different from other nations which regulated inbound tourism first instead of outbound first like Hong Kong. 由於歷史關係,香港是先立例監管出境旅遊,這與很多國家先規管入境旅遊剛好相反。
- Currently Shanghai is an international hub that most carriers want to lay a stake in, whether it be for outbound or inbound tourism. 現在的上海無論在出境旅遊還是入境旅遊方面,都是國際交通中心,很多航空公司都把賭注壓在這裡。
- Major business organizations to receive foreign guests inbound tourism, the Yangtze River Three Gorges Tour, Shennongjia Tour. 主要經營組織接待外賓入境旅遊,長江三峽游,神農架游。
- To promote tourism development, the introduction of a number of initiatives Nanping: First of all, open up air routes inbound tourism Wuyishan. 為促進旅遊發展,南平推出多條舉措:首先,打通武夷山入境旅遊航空通道。
- Based on the model of tourism mallet competition state, the characteristic of source-market of inbound tourism market was analysed. 運用旅遊業市場競爭態模型,分析入境旅遊市場的客源地構成特點。
- Exports of services likewise picked up markedly during the year, along with a further growth in inbound tourism and a sharp upturn in offshore trading activities upon the distinct turnaround in exports from the Mainland. 服務輸出在年內亦顯著回升,訪港旅遊業持續增長,離岸貿易亦隨著內地出口回復快速增長而大幅增加。
- Exports of services likewise picked up markedly during the year,along with a further growth in inbound tourism and a sharp upturn in offshore trading activities upon the distinct turnaround in exports from the Mainland. 服務輸出在年內亦顯著回升,訪港旅遊業持續增長,離岸貿易亦隨著內地出口回復快速增長而大幅增加。
- Bing』s inbounds pass was broken up and Chicago had its first-ever first playoff series victory.The Bucks swept them in the next round, the Western Conference Finals. 賓的突破傳球被搶斷後,公牛隊歷史上首次獲得季後賽首輪的勝利,但在下一輪的西部聯盟決賽中他們被雄鹿隊橫掃。
- Beijing is the capital of China. 北京是中國的首都。
- the International Inbound Tourism 國際入境旅遊
- The China is being celebrated by its handicrafts. 中國是以它的手工藝品而著稱。