- We have found a development road suited to China's national conditions. 我們找到了一條符合中國國情的發展道路。
- Under China's current national conditions, it is an extremely arduous task to run the largest education provision in the world. 在中國的現實國情條件下,要辦好世界上最大規模的教育,任務是十分艱巨的。
- China has a huge population,but a weak economic foundation with relatively inadequate resources per capita. These are its basic national conditions. 人口多,底子薄,人均資源相對不足,是中國的基本國情。
- Under China's current national conditions,it is an extremely arduous task to run the largest education provision in the world. 在中國的現實國情條件下,要辦好世界上最大規模的教育,任務是十分艱巨的。
- A fairly complete foreign legislation system that conforms to WTO rules and China's national conditions will be basically established. 基本建立起比較完善的、符合世貿組織規則和中國國情的涉外經濟法律體系。
- We shall basically set up a relatively complete foreign-related economic legal system that complies with the WTO rules and China's national conditions. 基本建立起比較完善的、符合世貿組織規則和我國國情的涉外經濟法律體系。
- China has a huge population, but a weak economic foundation with relatively inadequate resources per capita. These are its basic national conditions. 3、人口多,底子薄,人均資源相對不足,是中國的基本國情。
- The future flood control works in the country will be distinctive, bring forth social creativeness, and explore a road to resist flood suitable to China"s national conditions. 我國未來防洪事務具有獨特性,應推動社會創新,探索符合我國國情的防洪之路。
- In line technology gradually clear, and proved its comparison with China's national conditions, the past two years, EMU began to develop rapidly. 在技術路線逐漸清晰,並且被證明其比較符合中國國情之後,最近兩年動車組才開始快速發展起來。
- It is an inevitable choice based on its national conditions that China persists unswervingly in taking the road of peaceful development. 中國堅定不移地走和平發展道路,是基於中國國情的必然選擇。
- Defining the Standard of Poverty in Conformity with the National Conditions. 制定符合國情的貧困標準
- Cai He-sen bases his socialist thought on social practice, which is a product of the combimation of Marxism and national conditions of China. 蔡和森社會主義思想是建立在社會實踐基礎之上的,是馬克思主義與中國國情相結合的產物。
- The unbalanced development of different regions is one of the basic national conditions in China It also affects other big countries in the world. 區域發展不平衡,既是我國最基本的國情之一,也是世界各大國普遍存在的現象。
- China has adopted a unicameral parliamentary system based on its national conditions, rather than the bicameral system instituted in Western countries. 中國根據自己的國情實行一院制,而不是西方國家實行的兩院制。
- Due to diverging historical backgrounds and national conditions, there are differences between China and the United States. 文明多樣性是人類社會的客觀現實,是當今世界的基本特徵,也是人類進步的重要動力。
- Second, setting practical periodical objectives and tasks for poverty relief in line with China's basic national conditions and the real situation of poor areas. 第二、從中國的基本國情和貧困地區的實際狀況出發,實事求是地確定扶貧開發的階段性目標和任務。
- The article introduces the national conditions and policies of Canadian Aborigines and analyzes and compares the national policies between China and Canada. 摘要本文介紹了加拿大土著民族的狀況及民族政策,並對中、加民族政策進行了分析與比較。
- According to China's national conditions,from a technical level,the policy level and management level,all expounded in developing DBS in our country and the prospects. 根據我國的國情,從技術層面、政策層面和管理層面,全方位地闡述了在我國發展直播衛星技術和前景。
- A large population and small amount of arable land, per capita relative shortage of resources, economic and cultural backwardness, which is China's basic national conditions. 人口多,耕地少,人均資源相對不足,經濟文化比較落後,這是中國的基本國情。
- This can be enlightenful to combinate Chinese national conditions with the beneficial compositions in western political thoughts, to develop democratic politics in China now. 這對我們借鑒西方政治思想中的有益成分,結合中國國情,搞好權力制約與監督,發展民主政治,具有深刻的啟示。