- China New Ade Store NO.109 Branch 中國新時代專營店第109號店
- Negotiating bank may claim reimbursement by T/T on the Bank of China New York branch certifying that the credit terms have been complied with. 議付行證明本信用證條款已履行,可按電匯索償條款向中國銀行紐約分行索回貨款。
- The museum is named after Mr.Liu Haisu, one of the founders of China New Art Movement, and in scribed by the nation's President, Jiang Zemin. 它是以中國新美術運動的奠基人之一劉海粟先生之名命名的。
- Chinas new energy transfusion may still work fitfully. 這雖不是夢境,但感覺像是。
- China.org.cn - China news, weather, business, travel, language ... 包括企業內訓,培訓資源,培訓顧問,行業諮詢,音像圖書。
- With C-NCAP (China new evaluation order) China Automotive Technology Research Center (hereinafter referred to centers), "business" of the quest for larger. 擁有C-NCAP(中國新車評價規程)的中國汽車技術研究中心(以下簡稱中心)的「生意」越做越大了。
- What will be the political orientation of the New China News in its second year? 《新中華報》第二年的政治方向是什麼?
- This article was written by Comrade Mao Tse-tung for the New China News of Yenan on the occasion of its first anniversary. 這是毛澤東為延安《新中華報》改版一周年紀念寫的文章。
- Xiong qihua is sitting in the front of the door with red couplet and latern, where he was used to talking with his mother on china new year.His mother is dead in the tragedy, Jan.29, 2004. 大年廿九,高旺村2組;49歲的熊啟華掛上燈籠;貼上對聯;坐在家門口;說以前通常都是在這裡和母親一起聊天的.;他65歲的母親在這次事故中遇難
- China New Enterprise Investment Co. (CNEI) is a China incorporated Sino-foreign non-legal person cooperative joint venture, established to make private equity investments in China. 新企創業投資企業是一家經中國商務部批准、於國家工商總局註冊、依照中國法律設立的外商投資創投企業,其主要業務是對於具有高成長性的企業進行股權投資。
- We have read your statement of September 1 in today's New China News ; it covers some of our questions,but there are others on which we would like you to elaborate. 今天在《新中華報》上看了毛先生九月一日的談話,有些問題已經說到了,有些尚請毛先生補充。
- Prices of discounted tickets for economy class will rise by 20% starting Monday with a new pricing scheme taking effect among domestic airlines, China News Service reported. 據中新社報道,20日起,國內各航空公司將實行新的運價體系,由此,國內航班出售的經濟艙打折票價將普遍上漲約兩成。
- The Chinanews online service (Chinanews.com) is the website launched by China News Service (CNS). 中國新聞網簡稱中新網,由中國新聞社主辦。
- The Ministry of Information Industry (MII) has issued a new regulation to supervise and standardise the short messaging services (SMS) market, reportsthe China News Service. 據中新社報導,信息產業部早前發布了一條用以監管和規範短訊服務市場的新條例。
- Dramatizing government concern, Premier Wen Jiabao helicoptered in Thursday to inspect the largest lake threatening Beichuan, the New China News Agency reported. 據中新社報道,為了表示政府的關懷,溫家寶總理乘坐直升機前往災區視察威脅北川縣的堰塞湖,這是目前發現的最大的堰塞湖。
- China News Service reports that 100 pairs of twins participated inthe event on Sunday. Their ages range from 6 months to 56yearsold. 中國新聞網報道說,星期天有100對雙胞胎參加了這項慶祝活動。他們的年齡從6歲到56歲不等。
- The communist government faces a difficult balancing act as it tries to manage the growing demand for greater freedom from Chinas new army of consumers. 中國新湧現的這批消費大軍對更多自由的渴望與日俱增,如何控制和平衡這種需求增長,將是中國政府面臨的一個難題。
- Beijing is the capital of China. 北京是中國的首都。
- According to China News survey of more than 3900 people interviewed, 68% of the User that "Hu Zhi will continue to drop. 據中國新聞網的調查顯示,超過3900人的受訪者中,有68%25的網友認為「滬指會繼續下跌」。