- The stock market reacts on economic news. 股票市場影響經濟新聞。
- The new market economic structure will attract more overseas investors. 新的市場經濟體制將吸引更多的海外投資者。
- How Does Kodak Occupy China Market? 柯達是怎樣佔領中國市場的?
- Familiar with North China Market. 熟悉北方電子接插件市場狀況。
- CFOL:How do you think of China Market? 編輯:您對中國市場有什麼看法?
- Archive of economic news of over 190 trades and professions sourcing from publications and content providers in China. 作夥伴提供的專業信息,內容按190多個行業及中國各省市地區分類。
- Given the establishment of market economic system in China, the hea lth care industry is facing many problems. 伴隨著市場經濟體制在我國的逐步確立,我國醫療衛生產業也在不斷發展和變化組合,期間浮現出許多問題。
- They are important indemnify of market economic development. 兩個法律部門以市場的完善和協調發展為共同的立足點,相互之間存在許多共性和差異。
- Demand for Hong Kong dollar assets further increased in December on the back of positive economic news and market perceptions of Hong Kong as a Year 2000 safe haven. 十二月份,市場對港元資產的需求進一步增加,主要因為有正面的經濟消息,以及市場認為香港是電腦公元二千年數位問題的安全港。
- ASK projectors have been entering China market for ten years. 投影機進入中國已達十年之久。
- In the process of establishing the socialist market economic system,family planning work is faced with new situations and new problems. 在建立社會主義市場經濟體制的過程中,計劃生育工作又面臨一些新情況和新問題。
- Focus (domestic): international media coverage on the China market. 聚焦(國內):國外財經媒體對中國市場的報道。
- China Market Offers Major Opportunities, Poses Challenges. 中國市場提供了較多的機遇與挑戰。
- But with little economic news to focus on Monday, investors opted to back off. 但是隨著很少經濟新聞值得關注在星期一;投資者選擇讓步.
- J&J's products for the China market are made in China. 強生公司供應中國市場的產品是在本地生產的。
- In the process of establishing the socialist market economic system, family planning work is faced with new situations and new problems. 在建立社會主義市場經濟體制的過程中,計劃生育工作又面臨一些新情況和新問題。
- Column A. Import cargo from Vietnam for selling in china market. 業務板塊:A.;從越南進口商品在中國市場銷售。
- Credit is an orderly market economics source. 信用是有秩序市場經濟之源泉。
- The China markets have free space infinity. 中國市場有無限的自由空間。