- The Spring Festival is one important part of China culture. 春節是中國文化重要的一部分。
- China ancient female artists and male artists went hand in hand with effulgent China culture arts. 中國古代女性藝術家與男性藝術家並肩齊驅,共同創造了燦爛的中華文化藝術。
- Yaoming takes to American ont only his skills,but his special modest manner of China culture. 姚明帶給美國的當然不只是他的球技,還有中國文化中特有的謙謙君子的風度。
- The patterns of China antique rug are subtle and beautiful, the colors are elegant and harmonious, charm of China culture. 花紋高貴優美,色彩典雅協調,散發著中華文化神秘魅力。
- Human has been the central position in China culture originally: man is an integral part of nature, harmony coexist, person is the mainbody. 摘要華夏文化從源頭起就把人置於中心地位:天人合一,和諧共存,人是主體。
- Appear but not the trend that the emotion find sustenance , spiritual distillation change to the common customs even vulgarize more and more in modern festival of China culture. 中國的現代節日文化越來越呈現向世俗化甚至庸俗化而非情感寄託、精神升華轉變的趨勢。
- The Confucianist culture and advanced culture are two stages during the China cultural development. 儒家文化和先進文化是中華文化發展過程中出現的兩個發展階段。
- Deserve classicly to act the role of, of massiness tonal, the antique display of collect carefully, let a person be in when entering here, when marrow of dug China culture, be like Mu Chunfeng. 古典的配飾,厚重的色調,珍藏的古玩陳設,讓人在進入這裡時,在探究中國文化精髓時,如沐春風。
- Middle China culture in Erligong Period, Zhou Dynasty spreading to Yangtse River valley cosmically resulted in production and development of bronze civilization in Yangtse River valley. 在新石器時代晚期,這裡就形成了幾個相對集中、富有地方特徵的文化圈及相應的文化體系。
- China " such blame English domain name is suffixal. 2009, chinese region famous general blends in internet formally, as China culture the country on the network symbolizes enter historical arena. 2009年,中國域名將正式融入國際互聯網,作為中華文化在網路上的國家象徵登上歷史舞台。
- Abstract: The classification of celebrities in Bayu culture is chiefly based on the clime of "Bayu".It is obviously different from the title "China cultural celebrities". 文章摘要: 巴渝文化名人的類型劃分,「巴渝」地域文化屬性是其基本條件,首先與地域文化名人相類,因此與中國文化名人稱謂存在明顯區別。
- After acceding the WTO, China cultural industry is faced with more serious situation. 加入WTO,我國文化產業面臨的形式更加嚴峻。
- Beijing is the capital of China. 北京是中國的首都。
- middle China culture in Zhou and Shang Dynasties 商周中原文化
- The China is being celebrated by its handicrafts. 中國是以它的手工藝品而著稱。
- I like to read China Daily on my way home. 我喜歡在回家的途中閱讀《中國日報》。
- Spring in East China usually sets in about March. 華東的春天一般約在三月開始。
- Tax official: Does your office pay tax in china? 稅務局:您所在的辦事處交稅嗎?
- I wouldn't marry him for all the tea in China. 有天大好處我也不嫁給他。