- My life 's dream has been a perpetual nightmare . 我的生涯一直是個重複不斷的惡夢。
- My son' s dream is to be an astronaut. 我兒子的理想是當宇航員.
- Eyeable art feels like a Midsummer Night's Dream. 悅目的藝術品感覺就像仲夏夜之夢.
- My life 's dream has been a perpetual nightmare. 我的生涯一直是個重複不斷的惡夢。
- When the first paraglider appeared, People』s dream came true. 自從飛行傘出現后,人們的這一願望得以實現。
- It』s an ecologist』s dream but an oil man』s nightmare. 這是生態學家的夢想,卻是石油商的夢魘。
- Midsummer Night's Dream on stage is the eyeable art. 悅目的藝術品感覺就像仲夏夜之夢.
- In fact, it contains the same symbolism found in the prophet Daniel\'s dream. 事實上,它包含了與預言家丹尼爾的夢中相同的符號。
- He is who Rodney is searching for and is symbolic of Rodney』s dream. 他是羅德尼一直所尋找的,也是羅德尼夢想的象徵。
- The Galapagos are a bird-lover』s dream because here the birds show no fear. 加拉帕戈斯是愛鳥者的夢想天堂,因為這裡的鳥兒對人完全沒有戒心。
- There isalways a day that, the cycle-racer』s dream comestrue through his practice. 不過相信通過玩家的不懈努力,他們總會實現自己的夢想。
- An integrated digital camera and user-sampled ring tones make this a customizer』s dream. 集成數字式攝象機和用戶自選的鈴聲使用戶自定義之夢變成了現實。
- VB to write a personal FTP server program, the code can not afford to meet everyone s dream of server space! 一款VB寫的個人FTP伺服器程序,這個代碼能滿足了大家沒有錢買伺服器空間的夢想!
- The dream ends up skewed into the projection of another who then benefits from one\'s dream weaving in lieu of oneself. 夢想歪斜進其他人的發射,隨之其他人受益於你在自己的場所所編織的夢想。
- The children are playing on the swings in the park. 孩子們在公園裡盪鞦韆。
- She is so pure and noble, so beautiful in boy』s dream that only can watch and cannot dishallow. 火紅熱烈,振憾如電。不但可以緊擁入懷,還可以盡情親吻。
- "Ready access to technology, he adds, is "an equalizer, a leveler -- exactly what Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream was. 哈珀說,「通往技術的便捷通道就是一種均衡和調平,正如馬丁.;路德
- See the children ramping about in the playground. 你看孩子們在運動場上亂沖亂跳。
- One of his finest highlights is qualifying multiple times for the runner』s dream: a bib number in the Boston Marathon. 他最光彩的一樣東西就是多次取得賽跑者夢寐以求的參賽資格:拿到波士頓馬拉松賽的參賽選手編號。
- Nevertheless, for Aldonza, Don Quixote will always live.She tells Sancho to believe Don Quixote』s dream. 但對艾東莎而言,唐吉柯德將永遠活著,她要桑邱相信唐吉柯德的夢想。