- As a theme nation, Taiwan will offer a series of programs to promote the country. Former Olympic low hurdles medalist Chi Cheng will lead 150 Taiwanese walkers to join the event. 身為主題國家,台灣將提供一系列推廣本國的活動。前奧運女子跨欄獎牌得主紀政將將率領150名台灣健走好手前來參加。
- Chi Cheng 紀政(1944-),台灣人,"總統府國策女顧問"。
- Cheng De is a desirable summer resort. 承德是個理想的避暑場所。
- Quebec Conferences (1943 and 1944). 魁北克會議(1943,1944)。
- He was born in the spring of 1944. 他生於1944年春。
- In 1944, the U.S Congress issued GI Bill. 美國國會於 1944年頒布了「退伍軍人權利法案」,旨在幫助退伍軍人在二戰後更好地適應平民生活。
- Chi Mei aims to sell 300,000 LCD TVs and LCD monitors in North America in 2007, Cheng said. 奇美希望2007年北美的液晶電視和顯示器銷售量達到300,000台。
- Tien Chi is a human nation of the ancient era. 天齊是一個古老的人類國家。
- I was commissioned (as a) general in 1944. 我於1944年被任命為將軍。
- Pui Cheng Middle School is a Chinese school. 培正中學是一所華文學校。
- Wang Ping: Ji Zheng was bom in 1944. 王平:1944年,紀政生於台灣。
- Snow fell to a depth of over three chi. 雪下了三尺多厚。
- Wang Ping: Ji Zheng was born in 1944. 王平:1944年,紀政生於台灣。
- So began the pursuit of the Chi troops. 遂逐齊師。
- In 1944 they scheduled a congress of Indians. 1944年他們計劃招開一次印第安人代表大會。
- Born in 1944: Pay attention to your nutrition. 1944年出生者:小心飲食。
- Confucian Inflects, Book II, "Wed Cheng". 見《論語 - 為政第二》。
- The last time Vesuvius awoke was in 1944. 維蘇威火山最近一次蘇醒是在1944年。
- What's the English for "Yi shi wu cheng"? 「一事無成」的英文怎麼說?
- Liu Chi once made some changes to it. 曾有劉熾對其進行過加工,