- I changed my plan in deference to your opinion. 我聽從你的意見,改變了計劃。
- I need to change my dollars into francs. 我需要把美金換成法郎。
- I'm glad to get my operation over. 熬到了手術結束,我很高興。
- If I am in your position,I will change my plan. 如果我外在您的地位,我就改變我的計劃。
- If I were in your position,I would change my plan. 如果我處在您的地位,我就改變我的計劃。
- I would change my plan, if I were in your position. 如果我處在你的位置,我會改變我的計劃。
- I have made up my mind to change my plan. 我已決定改變我的計劃。
- Nothing will make me change my mind. 任何事情都不能使我改變主意。
- Can I change my service plan at any time? 我能隨時變更我的通話方案嗎?
- If I were in your position, I will change my plan. 如果我外在您的地位,我就改變我的計劃。
- I enjoyed convalescing from my operation. 我手術后恢復得很好。
- If I were in your position, I would change my plan. 如果我處在您的地位,我就改變我的計劃。
- I will change my plan thao can be fite with your. 我將調整我的計劃以便和你的計劃相適應。
- Don't try to change my mind. I am resolving on winning. 別想讓我改變主意。我去贏的決心已經下一步定了。
- Well, he left a sponge inside me when he did my operation. 嗯,他給我做手術時,就把紗布忘在我肚子里了。
- You can talk till the cows come home: you'll never make me change my mind. 你就是說出大天來,也休想改變我的主意。
- Bertram Pincus: Did anything usual happen during my operation? 平克斯:「在我手術期間發生了什麼?」
- I'll change my timetable to fay in with yours. 我將改變時間表以便和你們的吻合起來。
- I agree at the time but later changed my mind. 我當時同意了,但後來又變了主意。
- I changed my mind and disconcerted her plan. 我改變了主意,打亂了她的計劃。