- The Creator Chang Chu Hwa, is coming from Betong Town (Middlewood), Sarawak State (Borneo Island), MALAYSIA. 創造者曾楚鏵;來自於馬來西亞;砂勞越州(玻羅洲島);木中鎮(美樂塢).
- Creators Profile The Creator Chang Chu Hwa, is coming from Betong Town (Middlewood), Sarawak State (Borneo Island), MALAYSIA. 創造者曾楚鏵,來自於馬來西亞,砂勞越州(玻羅洲島),木中鎮(美樂塢)。
- "Enjoy-Cottage" was built in early 2003 &was completed in the end of 2004. It was designed &built by Chang Chu Hwa, The Owner Mr. Anthorny Yap &Md. Dora Chin's brother in-law. "悅來小築"興建於2003年初;並於2004年尾落成.;由屋主葉成平與曾楚玉夫婦的妻舅;曾楚鏵所設計建造
- East Chu Chang Chu Chang Island Lighthouse in East northeastern hills, building a magnificent, is the northern section of the Taiwan Strait one of the four lighthouses. 東莒燈塔位於東莒島東北角山頭,建築十分雄偉,是台灣海峽北段四大燈塔之一。
- They are Han Wu Emperor change event, the event of Wang Mang usurp Han dynasty, Chang Chu Cheng change event, and Wu Hsu change event. 基於此原因,本研究的研究目的為,利用管理領域之變革管理理論及複雜適應系統理論,重新解讀中國古代變法,並檢驗理論的適用性。
- The manuscript bears the date 10 April 1937. 手稿上注著1937年4月10日。
- Ho Hsiu-mei, Chang Ahhsin, and one or two others, including Chu Kuei-ying, were for walking out of their own accord, and in this Yao Chin-feng also agreed with them. 何秀妹,張阿新她們,連朱桂英在內,主張自己衝出去。 姚金鳳也是這麼主張。
- Ho, ok. we'll have someone there in about30 minutes. 好。這樣的話,30分鐘之內我們會派人過去。
- Tian shu qi tan [videorecording] / Shanghai mei shu dian ying zhi pian chang chu pin ; 天書奇譚 [錄象資料] / 上海美術電影製片廠出品 ;
- Jin hou xiang yao [videorecording] / Shanghai mei shu dian ying zhi pian chang chu pin ; 金猴降妖 [錄像資料] / 上海美術電影製片廠出品 ;
- Ho Hsiu-mei, Chang Ah-hsin and that crowd, of course! 不過是何秀妹,張阿新那一夥!
- And we've caught Ho Hsiu-mei and Chang Ah-hsin, too. 何秀妹,張阿新,也捉到了;
- Without Mr. Chang, I would not be what I am. 如果沒有張先生的話,我就不會有現在的樣子。
- The Lugouqiao incident occured on July 7,1937. 蘆溝橋事變發生於1937年7月7日。
- On 8 13 1937, the Battle if Shanghai began. 1937年8月13日,淞滬會戰爆發。
- Chu ID, Chen JC, Chang L, Wang JK, Wu LC and Liu RS. 朱亦丹,陳志成,張玲,王俊昆,吳良治,劉仁賢
- The Lugouqiao Incident broke out in 1937. 盧溝橋事變在1937年爆發。
- The North Dakota Winter Show started in 1937. 北達科他的冬季秀始於1937年。
- It is time enough to cry ho, when you are hurt. 不要庸人自擾。
- Find in Library Recommend a title Tian shu qi tan [videorecording] / Shanghai mei shu dian ying zhi pian chang chu pin ; 天書奇譚 [錄象資料] / 上海美術電影製片廠出品 ;