- Grade A student based on NAU evaluation. 本科生綜合測評A等。
- Nana, titiro mai ra, he iwi matou katoa nau. 求 你 垂 顧 我 們 , 我 們 都 是 你 的 百 姓 。
- This course fulfills NAU's junior-level writing requirement. 這門課程滿足初級寫作要求。
- Wahangu ana ahau, kihai i kuihi toku mangai: he meatanga hoki tenei nau. 因 我 所 遭 遇 的 是 出 於 你 , 我 就 默 然 不 語 。
- Students are required to take the following courses and acquire necessary credits in their study in NAU. 在國內學習期間,學生需要完成南京審計學院教學計劃規定的課程,修滿要求的學分。
- NAU hopes to complete its prototype Cocoon by October 2009, with models commercially available by 2014. NAU希望到2009年10月可以完成「沉浸繭」的原型,其產品在2014年投入市場。
- He whakaparahako nau ki te kupu a Ihowa, ka whakaparahako hoki ia ki a koe hei kingi. 你 既 厭 棄 耶 和 華 的 命 令 , 耶 和 華 也 厭 棄 你 作 王 。
- Nau hoki toku wairua i whakaora kei mate, oku kanohi kei whai roimata, oku waewae kei paheke. 主 啊 , 你 救 我 的 命 免 了 死 亡 , 救 我 的 眼 免 了 流 淚 , 救 我 的 腳 免 了 跌 倒 。
- Nau: Forex trading is very enticing because the potential for making huge amounts of money is incredible. 唐:只要你生活幸福,並告訴人們幸福在你那裡的詳細表現方法,大家就會覺得受益匪淺。
- In SNA, the data flow (normal or expedited) on which the primary NAU sends requests and receives responses to its request. 在系統網路體系結構(sna)中的一種數據流(正常或加急流),利用這種流,主網路可編址單元(NAU)發送請求,並接收對某請求作出的應答。
- Mbouj canh goj doh gwn. 不賺也夠吃。
- We need to save genetic diversity in the foundation species," said study co-author Jennifer Schweitzer, a postdoctoral researcher at NAU. 我們必須拯救基礎物種的基因多樣性。
- Nau WH, Diederich CJ. Evaluation of temperature distributions in cadaveric lumbar spine during nudeoplasty [ J ].Phys Med Biol,2004,49(8) : 1583-1594. 王曉寧侯樹勛吳聞文孫玉鵬.;射頻消融髓核成形術治療頸椎間盤突出症初步報告[J]
- Approved by the Degree Committee of the State Council, NAU began to admit graduate students for professional MPA in 2004. 經國務院學位委員會批准,學校從2004年開始招收公共管理碩士(MPA)專業學位研究生。
- To be closely linked with the socio-economic development, NAU has employed more than 30 senior managers and economists as supervisors for MPA students. 學校先後從政府管理部門和學術界聘請了30多位高級管理者和資深經濟管理學家為專業學位研究生導師。
- Nanjing Agricultural University (NAU) is a national key establishment of higher learning under the Ministry of Education (MOE). 南京農業大學是一所具有百年辦學歷史、直屬教育部領導的重點大學。
- But where NAU are creating an escape from the real world, others are working on ways of merging virtual information with the real world. 不過,當NAU在製造逃離真實世界的同時,其他人正致力於開發把虛擬信息融入現實世界的方法。
- ONCE UPON A TIME IN NAU...... 等她沒有幸福得時候再給她幸福
- "You've got display, sound and interaction all combined to create this fully immersed digital experience," explains Tino Schaedler, the architect-turned-film designer who is one third of NAU. 「顯示、聲音、交互,所有這些結合在一起創造出這個完全沉浸式的數字體驗,」原為建築師的電影工作者解釋說。
- In SNA, the layer within a half session that routes FMD requests and responses to particular NAU services manager components and that provides session network services or session presentation services, depending on the type of session. 在系統網路體系結構(sna)中,部分話路內的服務層,負責把操作管理數據(FMD)請求和響應郵送給特定網路可定址單元(NAU)服務管理程序,並提供話路網路服務或話路表示服務,具體是哪種服務依話路類型而定。