- China' s universities and colleges generally enroll only outstanding middle school students or the equivalent. 一般說來,中國的大學所錄取的只能是高中生以及同等學歷中的佼佼者。
- In Prime Creator"s universe here, all things are allowed. 在最初的創造者的世界里,一切被容許。
- BRITAIN'S universities are in an awful spin . Top universities were overwhelmed by the 24% of A-level applicants sporting indistinguishable straight As; newer ones are beating the byways for bodies. 英國的大學正處於一個很糟糕的運作中。頂級大學被申請壓得不堪重負,其中成績清一色全A的A級生比例高達24%25;新生的大學則用各種辦法搶奪生源。
- For PAX's universality , this idea could be suitable in designing other parallel system . 該思想因pax廣泛適應而具有普適性
- Mariko Bando, president of Showa Women』s University, is one of Japan』s authorities on gender issues. 另外一群也是以十萬人計算的銀行理財專員,在雷曼兄弟倒閉之後也都面臨失業的威脅。
- The Queen is making a private visit to Canada. 女王正對加拿大進行私人訪問。
- women' s universities and colleges 女子高校
- Liberals sweep to victory in divided Canada. 加國選舉,自由黨大獲全勝。
- China' s Universities Basketball Club 高校籃球俱樂部
- Finally, the ternary complex is tried to use the proof of the rotation angle relation of the two transmission shaft in Hooke s universal joint. 在此過程中,提供了一種新型的推證萬向節兩傳動軸轉角關係的有效方法。
- He spent his adult life in Canada. 他在加拿大度過了他的成年時期。
- She will journey to Latin America from Canada. 她將從加拿大動身去拉丁美洲。
- Everything in this mandala is the symbolic representation of some aspect of the Kalachakra deity and the deity\'\'\'\'s universe. 在這個曼荼羅中每件事物是Kalachakra神和神的宇宙某些方面的象徵表現。
- The maple leaf is the emblem of Canada. 楓葉是加拿大的象徵。
- Have you the requisite visa to enter Canada? 你有進入加拿大必備的簽證嗎?
- When I later had the chance to study at St.George』s University in Grenada, I welcomed the experience, excelling in my science courses there. 當我稍後有了機會在格瑞那達的聖研究喬治的大學的時候,我很容易在那裡取得了非常優異的成績在我的科學學科。
- Only 21% of Shanghai s university students oppose premarital sex, and university students account for 30% of Shanghai s abortions. 上海的大學生中僅有21%25的人反對婚前性關係,墮胎宗數佔全上海的30%25。
- Janet Carlson,1275 Haste street, Vancouver, Canada. 我叫珍妮特·卡爾森。地址是加拿大溫哥華司汀大街1275號。
- My elder sister lives in Canada. 我姐姐住在加拿大。
- Canada and the United States are neighbors. 加拿大和美國是鄰邦。