- Then I had a stint as security officer in Hong Kong. 我那時在香港做過一陣護衛員。
- He flashed his pass at the security officer. 他向保安官員亮了一下通行證。
- I've been interviewed by that new security officer. 我還被那個新上任的安全官盤問了一番。
- It was the local plainclothes security officer. 「我的天,半路殺出個陳咬金!」
- Then I have a stint as security officer in hong kong. 我那時在香港做過一陣護衛員。
- I often study ISPS code as a port facility security officer. 作為港口設施保安員我平常經常學習。
- Instead of a debate about guns, America is now having a debate about campus security. 美國本應對槍支展開辯論,但現在卻正就校園安全進行辯論。
- Have you contacted the port facility security officer? 你已經和港口設施保安員聯絡過嗎?
- Nearly a hundred police were called out but still there was no improvement, all the campus security guards were nowhere to be found. 當地出動將近百名警察仍不見起色,學校所有的保安不知去向。
- Widener is located in a quiet, residential area with 24-hour campus security, card access residence halls, and escort and shuttle services. 學院位於一個安靜的住宿區,24小時安全有保證,出入宿舍卡,護衛,接送服務。
- Due to the specialty and complexity of campus security management in multi-campus school, an investigation is taken in Taizhou University who has three campus in two places. 摘要針對多校區辦學格局下校園安全管理的特殊性和複雜性,開展了以「兩地三校區」辦學的台州學院校園安全現狀的調查。
- The security officer should not club any suspect who does not resist arrest. 保安人員對任何沒有拒捕的嫌犯都不該用棍棒毆打。
- All visitors must report to the security office. 所有的遊客都必須到公安局報到。
- So perilous was this one that he was the only security officer on the site. 作現場唯一的保安員,這差使確實有點危險。
- The surveillance video master copy is kept in the security office. 監控錄像的母帶放在保安室保存。
- The security officers were badged with a star emblem. 這些安全官員分別被授予一顆星徽。
- The chairman had been advised by the chief security officer not to do so because of the hostile crowd. 由於人群沸然,保安頭頭已勸董事長不要這樣做了。
- Zigzig: So perilous was this one that he was the only security officer on the site. 這次事件相當危險因為現場只有他一個安全人員。
- It is convenient for the ship security officer to contact me and get my support. 船舶的保安員可以很方便的聯絡到我,並能從我這裡取得必要的支持。
- The chairman had been adviced by the chief security officer not to do so because of the hostile crowd. 由於人群沸然,保安頭頭已勸董事長不要這樣做了。