- pressure-derived collateral coronary flow 側支循環
- A cousin is a collateral relative. 表兄弟是旁系親屬。
- He used his house as a collateral for the loan. 他用房子作這筆貸款的擔保品。
- collateral coronary 側支冠狀動脈
- The bank will insist on collateral for a loan of that size. 銀行對這樣的大筆貸款一定要有抵押物。
- Lacking the protection of insurance or collateral security. 未經保險的未發保險的,無附加擔保的
- You're betting I'll put up my meadow as collateral. 你是在打賭我一定會拿我那塊草地作擔保品。
- Will Leave if no match on4 CC codes( KErrNotFound). 將嘗試匹配沒有額外的匹配字元串;如果沒有匹配.
- He set me up with a lot of collateral readings. 他為我提供了許多課外讀物。
- Cc:~~Enter recipients, separated by semicolons. 抄送:~~輸入所有接收者的郵件地址,中間以半形的分號分隔。
- Jan: Kunaev elected to Bureau of CC Kazakhstan. 庫納耶夫入選哈薩克政治局,任部長會議主席。
- Truelove Diamond Cutting Works cc. 設有鑽石打磨工廠,多年切磨。
- CC - larger than Normal axial clearance. CC軸向游隙大於普通組。
- To be familiar with hotel collateral and give-away. 熟悉飯店的宣傳資料及贈送的禮品。
- Gold leather shoes with signature CC. CC的圖形提花;金色的皮革製造.
- He used his house as collateral for the loan. 他用房子作貸款的擔保。
- He was elected a vice-chairman of the C CC. 他被選為全國政協副主席。
- It will have one other collateral advantage. 這件事還兼有另一種好處。
- Bracelets, CC Skye and Lia Sophia. 手鐲,斯凱和利亞%23索菲亞。
- And we don't own anything to use as collateral. 可是我們沒有任何可以做擔保物的東西。