- But I'll stand my ground 我堅持自己的立場
- No I'll stand my ground, won't be turned around 堅持我的立場決不回頭
- But Ill stand my ground and I wont back down. 但我會堅守我的陣地,我不會退縮。
- But I stand my ground and I won't back down 但我堅持我的立場;不放棄
- But I held my ground, and pretty soon he shrieked out. 可是我堅持不放鬆,過了一會他就喊叫起來。
- Singing is not really my forte, but I'll try. 唱歌實在不是我擅長的,但是我試著唱唱看。
- If I'm backed in a corner without a valid reason and being threatened then I will stand my ground. 當我遭受無理地逼迫的時候,我會堅守我的陣地不動搖。
- I can't promise, but I'll do my best. 我不能保證做到,但我一定儘力而為。
- But I will stand my ground, 不過我一定會堅持自己的感情
- I can't attend the meeting but I'll send my assistant in my stead. 這個會我來不了,我讓助手代我出席。
- He tricked me this time but I'll get my own back one day. 這次他欺騙了我,但總有一天我會報復他的。
- He cheated me but I'll get even with him one day! 他欺騙了我,總有一天我要跟他算帳。
- I expected that she should stand my friend in these altercations. 我認為在這場鬥爭中她應該堅決站在我一邊。
- You shoot first,I'll stand by and wipe your eye. 你先開槍,我等你打不中時再來結果它。
- Gonna stand my ground and I won't back down 堅持我的立場;不放棄
- Excuse me, but I'll have to cut you short. 對不起,打斷你一下。
- We'll go to the theatre,and I'll stand treat. 我們去看戲去,我請客。
- It's a hard job but I'll have a shot at it. 這工作不容易,可是我想試試看。
- I must answer that phone, but I'll be right back. 我得去接電話,馬上就回來。
- There was no question whatever of my standing my ground and looking him firmly in the eye.I was going to stiffen into paralysis with my eyes tightly shut and wait for my head to be torn off. 我決不可能站住不動直視它的眼睛,我會僵癱在那裡,雙眼緊閉,等著自己的腦袋被擰下來。