- The PLA was highly disciplined in the course of quelling the rebellion and this won the wholehearted support of Buddhist monks and laymen. 人民解放軍在平叛過程中軍紀嚴明,得到廣大僧俗人士的衷心擁護。
- They are also free to offer sacrifices,give food or alms to Buddhist monks and nuns,burn incense and chant scriptures. 他們也可以自由地上供、齋僧布施、煨桑、誦經。
- They are also free to offer sacrifices, give food or alms to Buddhist monks and nuns, burn incense and chant scriptures. 他們也可以自由地上供、齋僧布施、煨桑、誦經。
- The literary responsory between Korean and the Song literati were done by the Buddhist monks and the diplomats. 高麗人士與宋文人的詩文唱和主要發生在使臣和僧侶之間。
- Mahayana Buddhist monks and nuns adhered to Vinaya rules which were formulated by the non-Mahayana traditions. 大乘佛教的比丘與比丘尼所奉行的律藏,是由一些非大乘的部派所結集的。
- At present,there are 1,787 sites for Tibetan Buddhist activities in the Region,and there are 46,380 Buddhist monks and nuns living in monasteries. 在西藏,目前藏傳佛教各類宗教活動場所達1787處,住寺僧尼46380人。
- At present, there are 1,787 sites for Tibetan Buddhist activities in the Region, and there are 46,380 Buddhist monks and nuns living in monasteries. 在西藏,目前藏傳佛教各類宗教活動場所達1787處,住寺僧尼46380人。
- By the middle of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911),more than 300 temples had been built on the mountain,which housed 5000 Buddhist monks and nuns. 至清朝中葉,寺廟已達300多座,僧尼5000 多人。
- Whole of the Dabei Temple's Buddhist monks and the abbot's safeguard kulapatis are strictly abided by the Buddhist religious discipline ... ... 大悲寺全體僧人以及住寺的護法居士嚴格遵守佛制戒律,日中一食、過午不食。全體僧人行腳途中全部托缽乞食,為眾生種下了無量無邊的福鎩?
- All Buddhist monks and great Taoists - Laozi, Zhuangzi and Liezi - none of them got mad, even they had no God, heaven and hell. 所有的禪師和所有偉大的道的老師--老子,莊子,列子--沒有人瘋,他們沒有上帝。沒有天堂,地獄。
- Britain's Guardian then added the delicious factoid that at one point the only people Hita saw were Buddhist monks and Richard Gere. 英國衛報補充說他平時只能見到其他喇嘛和理查基爾。
- By the end of August, thousands of Buddhist monks and nuns had begun to join the protests, even as the junta cracked down and arrested untold numbers of protesters and activists. 在八月底之前,即使軍閥鎮壓並逮捕了不計其數的抗議人士以及激進分子,數千名佛教僧侶和尼姑依然加入了示威遊行的行列。
- Sun said Friday『s outburst of violence in Lhasa was engineered by a handful of Buddhist monks, and was a separatist plot premeditated and masterminded by the Dalai clique. 孫前說周五在拉薩發生的暴亂事件是由一小撮喇嘛發起的,是由達賴喇嘛密謀策劃的一起分裂主義圖謀.
- The Buddhist Monk and the Taoist Priest, both blessed with ghost-taming powers, have been quarrelling all over the landscape. 和尚(午馬飾)與道士(陳友飾)比鄰而居,因性格各異成為鬥氣冤家。
- The traditional "Daruma" doll is hollow and round with blank white eyes and is named after Bodhidharma, legendary Buddhist monk and founder of Zen. 日本傳統的「達摩」不倒翁是一個空心的人偶形象,其體態渾圓,兩隻眼睛是空白的。「達摩」不倒翁得名於傳說中的佛教大師、禪宗創始人菩提達摩。
- Zhi Dun (Zhi Daolin, 314-366) played an important role in the Buddhi st Xuanxue, both as an eminent Buddhist monk and a literatus of the Eastern Jin dynasty. 摘要支遁(字道林,314-366),是兩晉際之名僧與名士的主要代表,也是當時佛教玄學(新佛玄)的標宗人物。
- Buddhism and Taoism culture embodied in the "character", is multifaceted, on Buddhism, it involves a causal retribution circumstances, the shape and image of Buddhist monks and other aspects of language use. 佛教和道教文化在《聊齋志異》里的體現是多方面的,就佛教來說,它涉及到了因果報應情節、僧侶形象塑造和佛家語言的運用等幾方面。
- Some Buddhist monks live in solitude as hermits. 有些和尚在僻靜處隱居。
- Those Buddhist monks and nuns who are long term vegetarians and live very close to Nature, their blood are prevalently weakly alkaline and none of them has yet been detected of any cancer illness. 長期素食、且生活接近自然的佛寺僧尼,由於體質都偏屬優質弱鹼性,所以尚沒有發現罹患癌症的病例。
- Those Buddhist monks and nuns who are long term vegetarians and live very close to Nature, their blood are prevalently weakly alkaline and amongst them, there has yet to discover any cancer cases. 我以往在馬偕醫院做癌症臨床實驗,並得院內各部同仁協助的機會,我發現癌症病人血液檢查的結果百分之百都是酸性反應。