- A Buddhist monk of Tibet or Mongolia. 喇嘛中國西藏或蒙古的喇嘛教僧侶
- The Buddhist monk disrooted a tree. 那個和尚把一棵樹連根拔起。
- The pagoda of the Buddhist monk Tan Ran. 坦然和尚塔。
- A Buddhist monk cooked the food for him. 一位和尚給他做的菜。
- Buddhist monk sat with folded palms. 和尚合掌打坐。
- He has died to worldly matters and become a Buddhist monk. 他已看破紅塵,出家當和尚了。
- A Buddhist monk,especially of China,Japan,or nearby countries. 僧人佛教徒,尤其指中國、日本或附近國家的僧侶
- A Buddhist monk, especially of China, Japan, or nearby countries. 僧人佛教徒,尤其指中國、日本或附近國家的僧侶
- Some Buddhist monks live in solitude as hermits. 有些和尚在僻靜處隱居。
- Captain Smith was seconded for service on the General 's staff . 史密斯上尉奉命調到將軍的參謀部工作。
- The name of this Buddhist monk is called as Shilimi. 和尚胡名施黎密。
- The dragon falls into the alms bowl of Buddhist monk, then it. 俄而龍下缽中,天輒大雨。
- People cheered at the lucky escape for the Buddhist monk. 人們都在歡呼雀躍祝賀禪師幸免於難。
- One of the surviving Suzaku Seishi. He continues to travel as a Buddhist monk. 朱雀七星士中的倖存者之一,繼續以遊方僧人的身份旅行。
- The little Buddhist monk sits in meditation. We'd better not interrupt him. 這位小和尚正在打禪,我們還是別打擾他了。
- UEFA's staff and officials personify UEFA in public by their high standards and by their conduct. 歐足聯的工作人員和官員人格化,在歐足聯公布的高水準,並為他們的行為。
- The Buddhist monk said: 「You know it! But why do you come to ask me? 禪師說:「這個道理你也懂呀,可是你為什麼還來問我呢?」
- Ms.Naderi』s organization has even taken the bold step of helping several clients find new husbands, carefully vetted by the shelter』s staff. 甚至納德瑞女士組織還直接幫一些受虐待婦女找到新任丈夫,但新任丈夫要經過避難所全體人員仔細審核。
- Gone, too, is the Dalai Lama, that 「jackal clad in Buddhist monk』s robes,」 who fled to India 50 years ago this week during an uprising that China claims was aimed at preserving his feudalistic rule. 再沒有那個「披著袈裟的豺狼」達賴喇嘛了。達賴喇嘛50年前的這個星期暴亂失敗流亡印度。中國稱那次暴亂旨在保留他的封建統治。
- I joined the election because I learned about the CCM Secretary's call for joining the election through CHAIN's staff and Dr. Wan's Mail listserv. 我參加了(4月27日)的選舉,我叢CHAIN的一個員工那裡以及萬延海的郵件組中得到了關於CCM秘書處號召參加選舉的通知;