- A poisonous, perennial twining herb(Tamus communis), native to Eurasia and sometimes grown as an ornamental for its red berries. 黑瀉根:一種有毒的多年生纏繞草本植物(漿果薯蕷),原產於歐亞,有時因其紅色漿果而作觀賞植物種植
- Tamus communis 黑瀉根薯蕷
- Do you like grapes? Do you hear bryony's story? 你喜歡葡萄嗎?你聽過野葡萄的故事嗎?
- TISSUE CULTURE OF Amygdalus communis L. 巴旦杏的組織培養。
- Environmental behavior of zinc in Ricinus communis L. 蓖麻對重金屬鋅的耐性與吸收積累研究。
- Study on the Cultivation and Application of Amygdalus communis L. 扁桃的利用價值及栽培技術。
- It is said that a kind of bryony grow in a barren hill, they are phenomenal. 人們傳說著:荒山裡還生長著一種野葡萄,可不比一般啊!
- I will arrive at TAMU at the same time as yours, have you rent an apartment? 正準備訂票,還有一個時間是晚上八點多到,大家看哪個時間好?
- Studies on Vascular System Anatomy of the Flower of Commelina communis L. 鴨跖草花部維管束系統解剖學研究。
- Ricinine is one of main toxic alkaloid in castor bean (Ricinus communis L.). 蓖麻鹼是蓖麻中的主要毒素之一,具有一定的生物活性。
- Castor (Ricinus communis) is planted from north area to south area in China. 蓖麻在中國分佈較廣,從南到北均可栽培。
- The paper dealt with the kernels and hulls of Lindera Communis Hemsl. 對香果的果仁油及殼油進行了詳細的研究,並對仁油及殼油進行了動物試驗。
- British racer Bryony Shaw (45 points) earned the bronze medal with a third-place finish in the medal race. 獎牌輪爭奪中列第三位的英國選手布里妮-肖(45分)獲得銅牌。
- By relying on the rich wilding resources such as bryony, Chinese magnoliaving, wild Chinese goosebeery etc. 依靠秦嶺山區豐富的野生植物資源,如野葡萄、五味子、野生獼猴桃等,將原來年產五千噸的產量提高至一萬噸;
- Alessandra Sensini from Italy took the silver medal and Bryony Shaw from Britain claimed the bronze medal. 義大利森西尼獲得了銀牌,英國的肖獲得了銅牌。
- Admission to George Bush Library is free for TAMU students. You can take School Bus route 5 there if you want. 剛來TAMU,人生地不熟。來之前很想看美國的大農場,機械化耕作的場面。我只有一輛自行車,不能跑遠路。TAMU附近哪裡有農場和好看的地方?
- It is planned to build a grape wine culture exhibition hall of Tang dynasty, wild bryony sightseeing base. 建設年產萬噸野葡萄觀光基地。
- Stoke City first: Sorensen, Griffin, Faye, Sonko, Bo Tamu Heekin, Aoluofengu, De Lapu, Dior, Lawrence, Jite Sen, than Theo. 斯托克城首發:索倫森,格里芬,法耶,松科,希金伯塔姆,奧羅芬賈,德拉普,迪奧,勞倫斯,吉特森,西奧比。
- Bryony Shaw, a gold medal hopeful in the women's class, said: 「The seaweed is as thick as a carpet, there's no way you can sail through it. 在女子級別有金牌希望的布萊妮 肖說:「海藻厚得像地毯,你沒有辦法航行通過它。
- From here, it takes the land route to Myanmar and from there, it is moved to the Indian border at Tamu, opposite Manipur. 從這裡,武器經由陸路到達緬甸,再從這兒被運到曼尼普爾(印緬邊境印方一側)的對面靠近印度邊境的塔姆(緬方)。