- He is a scholar with a broad mind. 他是一位曠達之士。
- The general has a very broad mind. 將軍的胸懷無比廣闊。
- He was broad mind and fat fit but he never looks old. 他這個人心寬體胖,總不顯老。
- Winter, the bare land of broad mind to accept all the days to come. 冬季,大地袒露出寬闊的心懷,接納所有未來的日子。
- But now, even the most strait laced felt that patriotism called upon them to be more broad minded. 可是現在,甚至那些最講究體面的太太們也覺得為了愛國心,有必要寬大為懷了。
- Be a down-to-earth person with a broad mind; be a sure hand with piercing foresight. 踏踏實實做人,心胸要廣大;穩穩噹噹做事,著眼宜深遠。
- The icy river welcomes the soberness of the Nature with its broad mind while keeps the light bright in heart. 冰河以坦蕩的胸懷迎接大自然的冷靜,把光明亮在心裡。
- Nature favors Changli beautiful scenery, which enriches Changliers』 broad mind. 大自然的鬼斧神工,造就了昌黎端莊秀美的姿容,孕育了昌黎人大海一樣的胸懷。
- Bodhisattva should practice giving with a compassionate and broad mind, giving whatever needed to whomever in need. 菩薩摩訶薩行布施時,應當慈悲寬其心意,所有乞者任彼往來,隨其所須皆不遮吝。
- The time in life when the narrow waist and the broad mind begin to change place. 一個人腰圍開始有窄變寬,心胸開始由寬邊窄的人生階段。
- Confucius is not only a venerable elder with broad mind, but also a man of noble character with mild nature, and besides, he is a sage with supreme affinity. 孔子是一位心胸開闊的溫厚的長者,是一位具有仁者情懷的溫和的君子,是一位擁有無上親和力的聖人。
- Lasses are as beautiful as flowers, lads are bright and broad minded, for the sake of establishing a new world, we are shaking the dozing mountains awake and making the rivers over. 姑娘好像花一樣,小伙兒心胸多寬廣,為了開闢新天地,喚醒了沉睡的高山,讓那河流改變了模樣。
- Compared with your broad mind,a mountain is just a landmark,a hill of surf is just a piece of broken jade,a crescent is just a eardrop ,a forest of flowers is just a bud. 同你心胸相比,一座高山只是一方界碑,一堆雪浪只是一塊碎玉,一彎新月只是一個耳墜,萬樹鮮花只是一朵蓓蕾。
- This thirst for knowledge and broad mind triggered unlimited passion and wisdom which is aimed at surpassing to the longinquity of the past amid challenges and disputes. 這一求知的慾望和廣博的心懷激發出無限的熱情和智慧。
- The red flamingo shoe industry will stand up to the most rigorous test the product, the consummation service, the broad mind, with All quarters guest, will altogether create the future. 紅火鳥鞋業將以過硬的產品,完善的服務,寬闊的胸懷,與八方商客,共創未來。
- A broad mind lacks focus. 寬廣的心靈缺乏專註。
- Wise human life has mirror-like life realms and humanity is transparent, devoid of filth, with broad minds and aboveboard behaviors. 人類的智慧生命具有明鏡般的生活境界,人性透明,生命無垢,心胸坦蕩,行為光明。
- Our director has a broad mind. 我們廠長思想開放。
- Among romantic writers』 mind, nature have broad mind and manner much than this world, it is enough to hold and find sustenance of their hope for ideal, and make uninhabited place and not quite clear history of thing of the past idealize . 在浪漫主義作家心目中,大自然比眼前的塵世有著寬廣得多的胸懷和氣度,足以容納和寄託他們對理想的焦灼的盼望,把人跡罕至的地方和已成陳跡的年代不詳的歷史理想化。
- The river opens out suddenly into a broad estuary. 江面忽然開闊起來,形成一個寬廣的河。