- Hollywood actress once met the British philosopher, Bertrand Russell. 一位好萊塢女明星遇見了英國哲學家伯特蘭羅素。
- Bertrand Russell ( 1872 - 1970) was an internationally famous British philosopher. 伯特蘭 - 羅素(1872-1970)是一位世界知名的英國哲學家。
- Bertrand Russell (1872--1970), British philosopher, mathematician, Nobel prizewinner, and political activist. 伯特蘭·羅素(1872-1970),英國哲學家,數學家,諾貝爾獎金獲得者,政治積極分子。
- Going back in time, the British philosopher John Stuart Mill said he could read faster than he could turn pages. 以前,英國哲學家約翰斯圖爾特米勒說,他可以讀得比翻書還快。
- Force, and fraud, are in war the two cardinal virtues.Thomas Hobbes, British philosopher. 實力與計謀是戰爭的基本力量。英國哲學家霍布斯。
- It was founded by the British philosopher J. Austin in 1950s and was developed by Searle. 它是由英國哲學家奧斯汀在20世紀50年代末提出的。
- Natural abilities are like natural plants that need pruning by study. (Francis Bacon, British philosopher ). 天生的才幹如同天生的植物一樣,需要靠學習來修剪。(英國哲學家培根.;F
- The fundamental defect of fathers is that they want their children to be a credit to them.Bretrand Rrssell, British philosopher. 父親們最根本的缺點在於想要自己的孩子為自己爭光。英國哲學家羅素。
- British philosopher who attempted to apply the theory of evolution to philosophy and ethics in his series Synthetic Philosophy(1855-1893). 斯賓塞,利利·馬丁1822-1902英裔美國風俗畫畫家,他的作品主要描繪做家務(如做飯,看孩子)的婦女
- The Declaration is a clear explanation of the political theory behind the revolution and this theory came from the British philosopher John Locke. 傑文遜起草的,它明確闡述了支撐這場革命的政治理論,這一理論來源於英國著名哲學家約翰-洛克。
- Happy are the families where the government of parents is the reign of affection, and obedience of the children the submission to love.Francis Bacon, British philosopher. 幸福的家庭,父母靠慈愛當家,孩子也是出於對父母的愛而順從大人。英國哲學家培根。
- Speech act theory is an important theory in the pragmatic study of language. It was originated with the British philosopher John Austin in the late 50's of the 20th century. 言語行為理論是語言語用研究中的一個重要理論。它最初是由英國哲學家約翰。奧斯汀在20世紀50年代提出的。
- The British philosopher Bertrand Russell said "Contacts between different civilizations have often in the past proved to be landmark in human progress". 英國哲學家羅素曾表示,「不同文明之間的接觸常被證明是人類進步的里程碑」。
- The Declaration is a clear explanation of the political theory behind the revolution and this theory came from the British philosopher [U]John Locke[/U]. 傑文遜起草的,它明確闡述了支撐這場革命的政治理論,這一理論來源於英國著名哲學家約翰。洛克。
- Speech act theory is an important theory in the pragmatic study of language. It was originated with the British philosopher John Austin in the late 50』s of the 20th century. 言語行為理論是語言語用研究中的一個重要理論。它最初是由英國哲學家約翰.;奧斯汀在20世紀50年代提出的。
- British philosopher known for his contributions to the understanding of scientific reasoning and his attacks on historicism. His works include The Logic of Scientific Discovery(1931) and The Open Society and Its Enemies(1945). 波珀,卡爾·雷芒德生於1902英國著名的哲學家,以其推動人們對科學推理的理解作出的貢獻和對歷史主義的批判而聞名。他的作品包括科學發現的邏輯(1931年)和開放社會及其敵人(1945年)
- Renowned British philosopher Bertrand Russell wrote in his works in the 1930s that the modern world badly needed some of the noble moral principles and qualities of China, and that amiability came first among such qualities. 上個世紀30年代英國著名哲學家羅素在他的《中國問題》一書中寫道:「中國至高無上的倫理品質中的一些東西,現代世界極為需要。這些品質中我認為和氣是第一位的。」
- British colonies were ruled by governors. 英國的殖民地由總督統治。
- College education, as British philosopher Alfred North Whitehead said, "should be energizing as the poet of our dreams and the architect of our purposes." Such purpose, self-discipline and vision all hinge on the art of choice-making. 我相信,這些知識和個人水平已經是最集中有價值的了,而且給我們在這個世界上打拚上了留下了寶貴的經驗。
- The British philosopher J.L.Austin"s theory of speech act first distinguished three closely related kinds of speech acts: the Locutionary Act, the Illocutionary Act and the Perlocutionary Act. 英國哲學家奧斯汀的言語行為理論首次將言語行為分為言內行為、言外行為和言後行為。