- Braised Perch in Soy Bean Paste 豆瓣鱸魚
- He has a new perch as president of the university. 他新任大學校長的高職。
- The stone buildings perch on a hill crest. 那些石頭房子座落在山頂上。
- The bird took its perch on a tree branch. 鳥兒棲息在樹枝上。
- Little birds perch themselves on the branches. 小鳥兒棲歇在樹枝上。
- He watched the game from his perch on top of the wall. 他在牆頭居高臨下看比賽。
- We watched the parade from our perch on top of the roof. 我們待在高高的屋頂上觀看遊行。
- The birds are hopping about on their perch and twittering. 鳥兒在棲木上跳來跳去,吱吱地叫著。
- From our perch up there on top of the cliff we can see the whole town. 我們從懸崖頂上的高處能看到城市的全景。
- We have very nice braised assorted vegetables. 我們這裡的素什錦非常好。
- I will be satisfied with some braised mutton. 有紅燒羊肉我就會滿足的。
- The boy sat on the perch and sang lustily. 那個男孩坐在高處起勁地唱。
- Liver Beefliver is usually braised or fried. 年肝通常用於燉或炸。
- To lay(cloth) on a perch in order to examine it. 放在框架上為檢驗質量把布放在驗布架上
- Italian Style Wok Braised Bullfrog. 意式牛蛙干鍋。
- We have very nice braised assortedvegetables. 我們這裡的素什錦非常好。
- Tall buildings perch on the top of rocky cliffs. 高聳的建築屹立在嶙峋的懸崖頂上。
- Braised Chicken Feet with Wild Herbs. 草藥燉鳳爪。不知原名。
- Braised Sliced Chicken with Bean. 雞茸豆花。
- Yes, we have lake perch, trout, and lobster. 有。我們有湖裡的鱸魚,鱒魚,還有龍蝦。