- Bov IFN (=bovine interferon) 牛干擾素
- A cow or other domestic bovine animal. 家牛牛或其它家養的屬於牛屬的那種動物
- bovine interferon 牛干擾素
- Abstract: Objective: Our purpose was to study the predictive factors of interferon(IFN) therapeutic effectiveness. 摘 要: 目的:探討能預測干擾素療效的因素。
- Her bovine face gave no response. 她的無感情的臉上沒有絲毫反應。
- Objective To investigate the effects of interleukin2(IL-2)on the induced formation of interferon (IFN) in chronic hepatitis B(CHB). 目的 為探討白細胞介素 - 2 (IL - 2 )對慢性乙型肝炎 (CHB)患者干擾素 (IFN)誘生的影響。
- The use of paroxetine for treating existing interferon (IFN)-induced depression is a better strategy than using it for preventing this complication. 用帕羅西汀治療干擾素引起的抑鬱症比用該葯預防抑鬱症更好。
- Bov:U never stop being so gay. O... 毛毛:我相信有真正適合你的人的,...
- IFN may also be induced by some bacteria, protozoa. 某些細菌,原蟲都可能誘導干擾素形成。
- The double-stranded- RNA-dependent protein kinase( PKR) is an important component in an antiviral defence pathway that is mediated by interferon( IFN) in vertebrates. 雙鏈RNA依賴的蛋白激酶(KR)脊椎動物中由干擾素介導的抗病毒防禦機制的重要組成部分。
- A domesticated bovine of either sex or any age. 不分性別和年齡的家牛
- It was shown that purified preparation of interferon increased ADCC activity of effector cells by 33.5% on average (P<0.001) over that of effector cells not treat- ed with IFN. 結果表明經干擾素預孵的效應細胞比未經干擾素預孵的效應細胞的細胞毒平均增加33.;5%25(P<0
- What are the side effects of interferon therapy? 干擾素治療的副作用是什麼?
- At this moment cell, can produce an interferon. 這時的細胞,便會產生出干擾素。
- He was a gentle,rather bovine man. 他是一位文雅而反應遲鈍的人。
- How does the pharmaceutical grade Interferon make? 醫療用的干擾素是如何製成的?
- METHODS: Cultured bovine EEC was used. 方法:培養牛EEC。
- Who understands interferon, He Puding. 誰了解干擾素、賀普丁。
- But this bovine analogy is asinine. 但這種類比不倫不類。
- Objective To investigate the antiviral effects and drug resistance during combination treatment to herpes simplexvirus(HSV) with interferon(IFN) and acyclovir(ACV). 目的 探討干擾素 (interferon ,IFN )與無環鳥苷 (acyclovir,ACV)聯合使用抑制單純皰疹病毒 (herpessimplexvirus ,HSV)時的藥效及病毒耐藥性產生情況。