- Boil chicken stock with MSG and salt, chicken with cornstarch and pour over the scallop balls. 雞清湯加味精,鹽燒開勾芡,澆在丸子上即成。
- Sam-gye-tang is the boiled chicken with ginseng, date, simple yet delicious. 人蔘雞湯簡簡單單地用了雞、人蔘以及紅棗烹煮,味道清香。
- Marinate the chicken with salt, sugar, soy sauce, the most important is Turmeric powder, malay use it like chinese Five-spice powder ... 雞肉要腌過。除了普通的鹽糖醬油外,最重要的是黃姜粉,馬來人把它當作華人的五香粉用的。。。
- Double boiled chicken with conpoy in soup 瑤柱一品燉老雞
- Double boiled chicken with wonton 餛飩燉老雞
- Boiled Chicken with Chinses Herbs 鍋仔葯膳烏雞
- He decorated the chicken with sprigs of parsley. 他用歐芹的嫩枝點綴在雞上。
- Boiled chicken with oyster sauce 蚝油白雞
- Boiled Chicken with Sesame and Spicy Sauce 芝麻雞
- They used to barter for horses with salt. 他們過去以食鹽交換馬匹。
- This meat should be seasoned with salt and mustard. 這肉里應該加些鹽和芥末。
- tender boiled chicken with soy sauce 白斬雞
- I like eating boiled chicken very much. 我特別愛吃白斬雞。
- She likes to lard the chicken with some bacon. 她喜歡在雞肉里加點腌豬肉。
- My mother preserved the fish with salt. 母親用鹽腌魚。
- Mix sliced chicken fillet with salt, white pepper, cornflour and oil. 將雞柳與鹽、白鬍椒粉、生粉和油拌勻。
- This glass of water was impregnated with salt. 這杯水中飽含食鹽。
- Can you savored the bland soup with salt? 你能不能將淡湯加鹽調味?
- There was soup and fish, removed by boiled chicken and bacon. 接在湯和魚之後,換上來的是煮雞和鹹肉。
- She seasoned the soup with salt. 她加鹽進湯里調味。