- Caticlan to Boracay Island is via boat then boracay boat harbor to the hotel is via motor trike, you need to be prepared for airport tax and cost of trike. 從卡第克蘭到長灘島(BoracayIsland)是乘船前往的,到達長灘港后,搭乘三輪摩托去酒店,你需要支付航空稅和搭乘三輪摩托的費用。
- He steered his boat into the harbor. 他將船駛進港內。
- He has a yen to be alone in a boat. 他渴望獨自待在一條船上。
- The boat heeled over in a strong wind. 船在強風吹襲下傾側了。
- The ship steamed into the harbor. 船駛入了港灣。
- Numerical Calculation of Wave Height in the Basin of Rizhao Sailing Boat Harbor 日照帆船港港域波高的數值計算
- They poled the boat across the crowded harbor. 他們用篙把船撐出擠滿船的港灣。
- The harbor is being up with silt. 那海港被淤泥阻塞了。
- Can you steer the boat into the harbor? 你可以把船駛進港嗎?
- The pilot steered for the harbor. 領航員掌舵駛向港囗。
- A police patrol boat hailed to us to come to. 警察局的一艘巡邏艇招呼我們停下。
- He collapse the wheelchair and put it on the boat. 他將輪椅摺疊起來放在船上。
- It is not right to harbor vindictive feelings. 懷有報復的念頭是不對的。
- The boat was tossed about in the stormy sea. 小船在風急雨驟的大海中顛簸。
- The attack on Pearl Harbor was a crushing calamity. 偷襲珍珠港(對美軍來說)是一場毀滅性的災難。
- Are you going to America by boat or by plane? 你到美國是坐船還是坐飛機?
- There are some fishing vessels in the harbor. 港灣里有許多漁船。
- The motor launch was fitting out as a fishing boat. 這艘摩托艇正在裝備成漁船。
- In dragon boat rowing each person has one oar. 划龍舟時每個人都拿著一枝槳。
- We ferried the river on a small boat. 我們用小船渡過那條河。