- The staff of the People's Hospital of Binzhou Prefecture appreciates sincerely the concern and support of people from all walks of life. 濱州地區人民醫院全體幹部職工誠摯的感謝廣大人民群眾給予的關心和支持!
- Li Feng; etal. Environmental Protection Monitori ng Station of Binzhou Prefecture; Binzhou; Shandong; 256614; 濱州地區環保監測站;山東大學理論化學研究室;
- Author Jiang Chaoling;Jiang Chaomei;Wang Lianhua;et al (Central Hospital of Binzhou Prefecture Shandong Province;Shandong 251700 China); 作者姜超玲;姜超美;王連華;葛孚美;
- Binzhou Sky Rainbow Kitchen Equipment Co., Ltd. 濱州天虹廚房設備有限公司。
- Good Binzhou Dao,where can you get this Dao? 好邠州刀,兄在哪裡得到此刀?
- "I owe my fishwife day to the prefecture. 「我替市政府當一天罵街的。」
- Junji Ito was born in Gifu prefecture in 1963. 伊藤潤二於1963年在日本岐阜縣出生。
- In this way he came to the prefecture, then to the seminary. 他這樣走到了省長公署,過後又到了教士培養所。
- Wenshui dialect belongs to Binzhou Region of Jin Dialect. 文水方言屬於晉方言并州片。
- Students come from as far away as Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture. 學生最遠的來自神奈川縣的藤澤。
- Prefecture The district administered or governed by a prefect. 管區:古羅馬或法國高級官員管轄或統治的地區。
- It will be home-ported at Maizuru base in Kyoto prefecture. 「愛宕」號驅逐艦將被部署在京都的舞鶴基地。
- Ancient Okayama prefecture legends describe Nurarihyon (lit. 從上面的畫像可以看到滑飄爺爺的是一個衣冠整齊,長脖禿頭的老者。
- Xishuangbanna is the southernmost prefecture of Yunnan Province. 西雙版納是雲南省的最南縣長的轄區。
- Another civil airport is being built in Ngari prefecture. 此外,另一個民用機場阿里機場正在建設之中。
- Caocao occupation Longnan toyang fu for Wudu Prefecture. 曹操佔領隴南,以楊阜為武都太守。
- In hopes of being known worldwide, Binzhou is opening up to the world! 濱州正在走向世界,並讓世界了解濱州!
- Company in 1992 in Okayama Prefecture in Japan to set up. 公司於1992年在日本岡山縣成立。
- Akira Toriyama April 5, 1955, born in Japan's Aichi Prefecture. 鳥山明1955年4月5日生於日本愛知縣。
- Praise God for the strong church in Wenzhou Prefecture. 感謝主,溫州地區有信心堅強的教會。