- There is no clue to the identity of the thief. 沒有確定竊賊身分的線索。
- The cheque will be cashed on proof of identity. 這張支票憑身分證件兌現。
- The police asked him to show his identity card. 警察讓他出示身份證。
- Identity of interests is the bond that unites them. 利害的一致是把他們聯合起來的紐帶。
- He wears an identity disc round his neck. 他脖子上掛著身分牌兒。
- A credit card is not a valid proof of identity. 銀行發的支票保付卡不是有效的身份證明文件。
- His identity is still a question mark to most of us. 我們大多數人都不知道他的身份。
- One who engages in deception under an assumed name or identity. 冒名頂替的人涉及以假名或假身份欺騙的人
- The identity of the murdered man has not yet been established. 那名被害人的身份尚未確定。
- Police are baffled as to the identity of the killer. 警方不解兇手是誰。
- His driver's license revealed his identity. 他的駕駛執照證明了他的身分。
- The journalist did not want to reveal the identity of his informant. 那個新聞工作者不想透露消息提供人的身分。
- She stumbled on his true identity. 她意外地發現了他的真實身份。
- She refused to reveal her identity. 她拒絕透露自己的身份。
- The only clue to the identity of the murderer was a half-smoked cigarette. 鑒定謀殺者的唯一線索是一枝吸了一半的香煙。
- She experienced a loss of identity after giving up her career to get married. 她放棄職業結婚以後有一種失落感。
- His real identity was surprised by me. 我無意間發現了他的真實身份。
- The criminal had a fake identity card. 那個犯罪分子有一張偽造的身份證。
- He showed his identity card and went in. 他把工作證亮了一下就進去了。
- If their identity had been discovered it would have meant sure death. 要是他們的身份被敵人發現,那是准死無疑。