- Two New Taxanes from Taxus cuspidata Needles and T. canadensis Rooted Cuttings. 第九屆全國中藥和天然藥物學術研討會論文集.
- Dormancy mechanism and relieving techniques of seeds of Taxus cuspidata Sieb. Et Zucc. 東北紅豆杉種子休眠機理與解除技術探討。
- But the addition of the rare earth compound could not strengthen further taxol release in the twoliquid-phase cultures of Taxus cuspidata. 但在東北紅豆杉細胞兩液相培養中,稀土化合物加入不能進一步促進紫杉醇的釋放。
- The taxol release of Taxus Cuspidata cell suspension culture were studied by addition of rare earth element Ce compounds. 通過對東北紅豆杉細胞紫杉醇短期釋放行為的研究,發現細胞內外紫杉醇的分佈均呈振蕩變化。
- The addition of rare earth element compounds would be an effective means to set up a new stain of Taxus Cuspidata secreting taxol. 對如何使東北紅豆杉細胞轉化為紫杉醇分泌型細胞進行理論性的探討。
- The paelitaxel yield of Fusarium mairei arid Taxus cuspidata cell lines increased 29 times and 3.5 times with the coupling cultivation, respectively. 經耦合培養,兩種細胞的紫杉醇產量均有不同程度的提高,美麗鐮刀菌達29倍,相應的東北紅豆衫懸浮細胞增加了3.;5倍。
- The relationships between apoptosis and taxol production of Taxus cuspidata cells cultured in coupling medium composed of oleic acid, as organic phase, and improved B5 medium were studied. 摘要以油酸作為有機相與改良B5液體培養基組成耦合培養體系,研究了在該體系中懸浮培養的紅豆杉細胞凋亡與紫杉醇含量的關係。
- Calliergonella cuspidata ( Hedw. ) Loeske 大濕原蘚
- Besaia cuspidatan. 尖擬皮舟蛾
- Studies on chemical constituents in heartwood of Taxus cuspidata 東北紅豆杉心材化學成分的研究
- Physiological Characteristics of Two Endophytes for Taxus cuspidata 兩株東北紅豆杉內生真菌的生理特性
- Technological study of the planting of the Taxus cuspidata 東北紅豆杉人工栽培技術的研究
- Introduction and cultivation experiment of Taxus cuspidata 東北紅豆杉引種栽培試驗
- Keywords Taxus cuspidata;yew;heartwood;taxane;diterpenoid; 東北紅豆杉;紫杉;心材;紫杉烷類化合物;二萜;
- Low-bed seedling production technology with cuttings of Taxus cuspidata 東北紅豆杉低床扦插育苗技術
- Regulation of Taxol Biosynthesis in Cell Suspension Culture of Taxus cuspidata 東北紅豆杉細胞培養生產紫杉醇的調控研究
- Growth and Metabolism of Taxus cuspidata Immobilized in Microcapsule 微囊固定化東北紅豆杉細胞的生長與代謝
- Afforestation test of Taxus cuspidata cuttings covered with plastic film 東北紅豆杉薄膜封閉扦插造林試驗
- Keywords Taxus cuspidata Sieb. et Zucc.;Taxaceae;bisabeotaxane lactones; 東北紅豆杉;紫杉科;雙重排紫杉烷內酯;
- Mimopydnan. 擬皮舟蛾亞屬