- Bench scale calorimeter 本奇標度量熱器
- The effects of clean automobile fuel LPG on fuel consumption and exhaust of carburetor engine are studied by bench scale test. 通過發動機台架試驗,研究了清潔汽車燃料LPG對化油器發動機燃料消耗和尾氣排放的影響。
- The cracking performance evaluation of the delayed coking gasoline before and after hydrogenation was carried out in a bench scale pyrolysis apparatus. 在裂解評價裝置上對加氫前後的延遲焦化汽油油品進行了裂解性能評價。
- The experiments of catalytic dehydration of ethanol were carried out in a bench scale fixed-fluidized bed (FFB) unit over three FCC catalysts. 摘要 在小型固定流化床反應裝置上使用三種不同的催化裂化催化劑進行了乙醇催化脫水制乙烯反應性能的研究,並對其反應化學及反應機理進行了初探。
- Small scale test and bench scale test on extracting magnesium from bittern by solvent extraction bave been carried out using P204 and sulfonated kerosine as extractant. 側重介紹了用P204和磺化煤油作有機相,用溶劑萃取法從滷水中提取鎂的小型試驗和台架試驗結果;
- Pilot plant test for preparing 1,3-propanediol from the hydration of acrolein with subsequent hydrogenation was carried out to validate the bench scale results. 對丙烯醛水合、加氫制1,3-丙二醇工藝進行了中試研究,主要對小試技術的可靠性進行驗證。
- Bench scale experiment is conducted to study removal of phosporus, ORP and removal of phosphorus have a relationship, change of ORP may reflect removal of phosphorus. 通過小試研究了MUCT系統中污泥的除磷能力,發現氧化還原電位與系統的生物除磷存在著一定關係,氧化還原電位可以作為監測生物除磷狀態的指標;
- The effect of different pulverized coals and chars on NO heterogeneous reduction in the fuel rich stage of reburning was studied in a bench scale flow reactor. 在小型流動反應器中研究了不同煤粉及其煤焦對富燃料再燃區NO異相還原的影響。
- For expanding the feed source,the pyrolysis performance of natural gas liquid(NGL)from Tuha Oil Field in the introduced bench scale pyrolysis apparatus. 為擴大乙烯原料來源,在引進的烴類蒸汽熱裂解評價裝置上,對吐哈穩定輕烴進行了裂解性能評價實驗。
- By bench scale and pilot tests using PAC and PAM as agents for Wool Scouring Effluent(WSE),the effect of influent density on the flocculation process was investigated. 對PAC、PAM複合使用於洗毛廢水時原水濃度與投藥量關係進行了小試和中試。
- The bench scale experiments of HTGR graphite ball-element were finished in an improved fixed bed burner, and the burning rate, thermal power, utilization ratio of oxygen, axial distribution of temperature and off-gas component were determined. 用改進的固定床燃燒器進行了台架規模石墨球燃燒實驗,測定了燃燒速率,熱功率,氧利用率,溫度軸向分佈和尾氣組成。
- Hulitai Electronic Weighing Apparatuses Limited Company is spcialized in the supply and manufacture of electronic portable platform and bench scale,platform scale,electronic balance,and so on. 樺利泰衡器有限公司是一家專業從事生產衡器的廠家,主要生產電子台案稱、台稱等系列產品。
- The two of them were necking on a park bench. 他們倆在公園的長凳上擁抱親吻。
- Standard Test Method for Determining the Heat Release Rate of Upholstered Furniture and Mattress Components or Composites Using a Bench Scale Oxygen Consumption Calorimeter 用小型耗氧熱量計測定裝飾傢具和床墊部件或組件的放熱率的標準試驗方法
- The old man sat on the park bench look familiar. 坐在公園長椅上的那個老人看上去很面熟。
- Test Method for Determining the Heat Release Rate of Upholstered Furniture and Mattress Components or Composites Using a Bench Scale Oxygen Consumption Calorimeter 使用小型耗氧量熱計測定裝飾傢具和墊子的組合件或組合材料的熱釋放速率的試驗方法
- The two of them are necking on a park bench. 他們倆在公園的長凳上擁抱親吻。
- Electronic Portable Platform and Bench Scale 電子台案秤
- After a long rest on the bench we moseyed up to the museum. 我們在長凳上休息了許久之後便信步向博物館走去。
- The bench often does duty for a table. 這條長凳經常當桌子用。