- When we do good deeds the results would definitely be good. 我們做好的事情結果一定會好。
- To do good deeds to benefit all. 造福社群。
- Strive to do good deeds, but more importantly, to be good at doing good deeds. 肯做好事,還要會做好事。
- I want to tell him: Do good deeds,You would be better on the underground road to the Netherworld. 活的累不累?我還想奉勸他一句:多積點德,黃泉道上路好走。
- Acknowledgements and credit shouldn't be given people who do good deeds with mixed motives. 從2000.;6月後,最近6年的議論文提綱第一段多是現象說明,第二段原因列舉,第三段建議措施或利弊說明。
- Lies Longgang for Australia (the South Pacific Ocean biggest Buddhist temple), donates money 1,500,000 Australian Dollar, hopes the will of the people mercy, the people to do good deeds. 為澳大利亞卧龍港(南太平洋最大的佛教寺廟),捐款1,500,000澳元,希望人心慈悲,人心向善。
- It's not easy for a person to do good deeds all his life. 一個人一輩子做好事是不容易的。
- Say good things, think good thoughts, and do good deeds. 46口說好話,心想好意,身行好事。
- Comrade Lei Feng did good deeds in his life. 雷鋒同志做了一生的好事。
- He spent his whole life doing good deeds. 他一生行善。
- It's not hard to do a good deed, but it's hard to do good deeds all the time. 做一件好事並不難,難的是一輩子做好事。
- Speak good words, have good thoughts, do good deeds, and walk the right path. 口說好話,心想好意,身行好事,腳走好路。
- Those who give selflessly are blessed; those who do good deeds are happy. 布施的人有福,行善的人快樂。
- Mr. Yu enjoyed doing good deeds and never killed anything. 余先生樂於行善,從不殺生。
- I used to think it was always telling the truth, doing good deeds. 過去我認為就是說實話,做好事。
- Include me when doing good deeds; exclude me when doing evil deeds. 做好事不能少我一人,做壞事不能多我一人。
- Lei Feng was always doing good deeds for the people. 雷鋒總是為人民做好事。
- In this way, he could atone for his crimes by doing good deeds. 他這樣一來就可以折罪立功了。
- Make always light of rich and powerful, Helping people to do good deeds resorts not great rajas. 有道從來輕富貴成人何必重王公。
- Praise others with your tongue. Do good deeds with your hands. Tread the right path with your feet. Create a pureland with your energy. 用語言讚歎大眾用雙手大做好事用腳步走出善路用力行創造凈土。