- The light bulb in the kitchen burnt out. 廚房裡的電燈泡燒壞了。
- The light bulb in the bathroom burned out, and father put in a new one. 洗澡間里的燈炮壞了,爸爸又安了一個新的。
- There's a light bulb missing in the bedroom. 卧室里少一隻電燈泡。
- Take the electric light bulb factory, for instance: the present daily quota for each worker is two hundred bulbs, which is really a very considerate norm; 拿燈泡廠來說罷,我們現在暫定燈泡廠的工人每人每日要做燈泡二百隻,這個數目實在是很體恤的了;
- The light bulb has a resistance of 120 ohms. 燈泡有120歐姆的電阻。
- Energy saving light bulb Neon light. 高頻省電型燈泡(節能燈),霓虹燈.
- The electric light bulb burnt out. 燈泡燒壞了。
- A single light bulb dangled from the ceiling. 天花板上孤零零地懸吊著一隻燈泡。
- There 's a light bulb missing in the bedroom . 卧室里少一隻電燈泡。
- Can you replace the light bulb with a brighter one? 你把燈泡換成亮點兒的好嗎?
- A socket for an electric light bulb. 電燈泡插座。
- How did Edison make the light bulb? 愛迪生是怎樣發明燈泡的呢?
- Any electric light bulb will eventually burn out. 任何燈泡都有可能燒壞。
- Click the light bulb to see the tip. 單擊燈泡便可顯示提示。
- Check light bulb and electric plugs . 檢查一下燈泡和電源插頭。
- The light bulb in the bathroom burned out. 浴室里的燈泡燒壞了。
- He alone invented the light bulb. 他獨自一人發明了電燈泡。
- The light bulb in the lamp is burned out in my room. 房間電燈泡燒壞了。
- On the bench a large light bulb was glow-ing faintly. 在工作台上,一個大燈泡發出微弱的亮光。
- Yuba factory production specifications for a variety of reflective light bulbs. 本廠生產多種規格浴霸專用反射燈泡。