- brain associated antigen 腦相關抗原
- The medical name for the part of the brain associated with teenage sulking is "superior temporal sulcus". 一些皇家郵件使用的郵票,上面當然有女王頭像,是在荷蘭印的。
- Thej medical name for the part of the brain associated with teenage sulking is "superior temporal sulcus". 一些皇家郵件使用的郵票,上面當然有女王頭像,是在荷蘭印的。
- Flipping a switch, because it's more impersonal, activates the part of the brain associated with memory. 選擇按動開關,因為這樣做更加客觀,此時大腦中的掌管記憶的部分被激活。
- A serum -marker of tumor associated antigen, MG7Ag, in gastric cancer by means of Immuno-PCR, had been detected recently in our Institute. 應用本所建立的免疫聚合酶鏈反應技術(IMMUNO-PCR)檢測胃癌患者血清中的腫瘤相關抗原MG7Ag,以探討其在胃癌診斷中的價值。
- The tumor embryonic associated antigen CDH, tumor multidrug resistance associated N-GSLs CMH and neoplasm inhi-bitor globoside were found. 發現了腫瘤胚胎相關抗原CDH、腫瘤耐葯相關中性鞘糖脂CMH和腫瘤抑制因子Globoside ;
- But the more personal scenario that requires actively killing a person activates the part of the brain associated with emotions. 而在要主動殺一個人這一更主觀些的情況下,動用的是與情感相關的腦神經元部分。
- A likely culprit was a small peptide called CRH that is released in a part of the brain associated with stress and anxiety. 一個很有可能的「犯罪分子」是一個被稱為「CRH」的短肽,這種短肽會被釋放到大腦中和壓力與焦慮相關的區域。
- Those processes can be likened to the mental CEO,the part of the brain associated with establishing priorities among tasks and allocating resources to them. 這種過程好比是大腦活動的首席執行官,其功能在於確定哪些任務應優先解決,並為其分配大腦資源。
- The changing carbohydrate protein would be the new antigen of the carcino cells which includes tumor associated antigen(TAA) and tumor specific antigen(TSA). 其中有些抗原成分在正常組織細胞中無表達,為某種腫瘤所特有,稱為腫瘤特異性抗原(tumor specific antigen,TSA)。
- Those processes can be likened to the mental CEO, the part of the brain associated with establishing priorities among tasks and allocating resources to them. 這種過程好比是大腦活動的首席執行官,其功能在於確定哪些任務應優先解決,並為其分配大腦資源。
- Methods:DCs were derived from cord blood monocytes, then were pulsed by tumor associated antigen (TAA) extracted from human stomach cancer S-180 cell line. 方法 :採用臍帶血來源的單核細胞製備樹突狀細胞 ,體外經S - 180細胞腫瘤相關抗原 (TAA)致敏后免疫小鼠 ,一周後接種S - 180細胞株。
- Because they are more likely to pose a threat, approaching sounds most readily stimulate regions of the brain associated with motor action, he explains. 他進一步說明,這是因為接近的聲音比較可能具有威脅性,所以更容易刺激大腦中與動作有關的區域。
- It was thought that platypuses did not experience REM sleep because their forebrains, the part of the brain associated with dreaming, were inactive during sleep. 鴨嘴獸曾被認為不經歷REM睡眠,因為他們的前腦---大腦跟夢關聯的那部分在睡眠中不活動。
- Defects in mitochondria may be part of the process that leads to Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, as well as changes in the brain associated with stroke and aging. 線粒體缺陷可能是阿爾次海默病和帕金森病部分原因,而且同大腦中風和衰老相關。
- Shripad B, Federico S, Ben H, et al. Expression of hematopoietic progenitor Cell associated antigen CD34 in chronic myeloid leukemia[ J]. Leu Res, 1991,15:603 - 609. 陳桂彬湯美華.;單克隆抗體在急性非淋巴細胞白血病免疫分型及預后中的應用[J]
- The study is based on HLA-A2 restricted CTL epitope of tumor associated antigen HER2/neu and regional chiral peptides D-P42-50, D-P782-790 was first designed and synthesised. 本研究以腫瘤相關抗原HER2/neu蛋白的HLA-A2限制性CTL表位為基礎,首次設計併合成了具有局部手性特徵的多肽D-P42-50,D-P782-790 。
- Those who played the noniolent games showed actiation in the portions of the brain associated with inhibition, concentration, and self-control and less actiity in areas connected with emotional arousal, the study reealed. 研究顯示,玩非暴力遊戲的孩子在與抑制力、注意力和自我控制力相關的大腦區域更加活躍,而在與情緒激發相關的區域活動大腦活動較少。
- The MRI showed that the 5)hippocampus, the part of the brain associated with learning new things, was activated when the odour was 6)wafted over the volunteers during slow-wave sleep. 核磁共振成像儀顯示,志願者在慢波睡眠階段時,隨著花香潛入人體,他們大腦中與接受新事物相關的海馬狀突起會變得活躍起來。
- A seperate study found that when people are distracted while they learn, for example by the television, they were using the part of the brain associated with habit other than declarative learning. 一項獨立研究也表明當人們學習分心的時候,比如看電視,他們就會使用與機械記憶而不是意義記憶相聯繫的那部分大腦。