- F. W. Aston, the British experimental physicist, won the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1922 due to the invention of a mass spectrograph. 英國實驗物理學家阿斯頓因發明質譜儀分離同位素而獲得1922年諾貝爾化學獎.
- In the mass spectrograph the ions are focused onto a photographic plate. 在質譜儀中,離子聚焦在感光板上。
- It has been already about 90 years from the first mass spectrograph invented by JJ. J.;Thomson研製出世界上第一台質譜裝置到今天已經有了90餘年的歷史。
- The gas components in the interlayer of the car were analyzed by mass spectrograph. 罐頭頂隙氣體成分,是造成罐頭變質的主要原因。
- The application of mass spectrograph to the amylose structure analysis was reviewed. 就質譜技術在多糖結構測定中的應用進行論述.
- Mexicans attend a midnight service called la misa del gallo, 「the rooster』s mass,」 and sing lullabies3 to Jesus. 在法國,孩子們將鞋子擺出來,盼望小耶穌會在晚上往裡面塞滿小禮物。
- The birth and the development of china"s mass culture is the inevitable outcome of the culture globalism. 大眾文化在中國的產生和發展是文化全球化的必然表現。
- Gas breathed out was collected at 9 different time within 120 min. The samples were analyzed with mass spectrograph to obtain DOB, MV and CUM curves and CUM120 value. 在120 min內9個時間點收集呼出氣體;利用呼氣質譜儀作出DOB、MV、CUM曲線及CUM120數值.
- The paper introduces the basic principle, constitutes and classify of Mass spectrograph, and mainly reviews the application of food analysis in injurant and toxicant. 本文對質譜技術進行了簡要的介紹,並就此技術在食品中有毒有害物質的分析方面的應用進行了綜述。
- If the whole atom were the size of this theater, its nucleus would be like a speck of dist. Yet the nucleus contains almost all of the atom 's mass. 如果把整個原子的尺寸看成電影院大小,它的核則如同一粒灰塵大小,然而原子的質量幾乎全部集中在原子核。
- Nevertheless, sound economic logic argues against illegal maneuvers. China' s mass media is becoming interested in exposing corruption. 但是,經濟邏輯反對這種非法操作,中國的大眾傳媒對於揭露這種內幕也似乎越來越感興趣。
- If the whole atom were the size of this theater, its nucleus would be like a speck of dist.Yet the nucleus contains almost all of the atom 's mass. 如果把整個原子的尺寸看成電影院大小,它的核則如同一粒灰塵大小,然而原子的質量幾乎全部集中在原子核。
- The last part evaluates Jameson"s mass culture theory and points out that it may serve as reference to our contemporary cultural undertakings. 第五部分評價詹明信的大眾文化理論,並指出其對我國當前大眾文化建設的參考意義。
- In today s mass media epoch, people trust the mass media and comprehend the reality through them, but unconsciously they acquire a kind of "absent reality". 在進入大眾傳播媒介時代的今天,人們信任且依賴於大眾傳媒了解現實世界的物、人、事,卻無形中獲得了一種「缺席的真實」。
- Lixin county』s mass graves Wushe, Fu Wei-ran territory, more than 9 meters high, 70 m-wide, 100 meters long, is the Spring and Autumn Period Dr.Chu Wu She』s Metella. 利辛縣的伍奢冢,土阜巍然,高9米余,基寬70米,長100米,是春秋時期楚大夫伍奢的墓冢。
- double-focusing mass spectrograph 雙聚焦質譜儀
- velocity-focusing mass spectrograph 速度聚焦質譜儀
- gas chromatography and mass spectrograph (GC/MS) 氣相色譜/質譜
- double-focusing mass spectrograph in solid analysis 固體分析雙聚焦質譜儀
- industry online mass spectrograph 工業在線質譜儀