- 本文介紹了AWA(Ada Working Assistant)系統的研製和開發.AWA (Ada Working Assistant) is an integrated Ada programming support environment based on VAX/VMS.
- 據報告,安裝Dell Assistant軟體的Dell計算機存在此安全提供程序問題。The security provider issue has been reported with Dell computers on which the Dell Assistant software is installed.
- 完成Oracle Universal Installer之後,使用Net Configuration Assistant配置網路連接。After the Oracle Universal Installer is complete, use the Net Configuration Assistant to configure network connectivity.
- 員工幫助計劃(Employee Assistant Program)簡稱EAP,是流行於歐美國家的一種新型的福利項目。Employee Assistant Program (acronym EAP) is a new popular welfare system, which is widely being used in the west (especially in USA).
- 在轉換Web應用程序時,Java Language Conversion Assistant為新應用程序建立一個不同的目錄結構。When converting a Web application, Java Language Conversion Assistant establishes a different directory structure for the new application.
- 該指南為您使用PHP to ASP.NET Migration Assistant將現有的PHP網站遷移至ASP.NET提供了全面的指導。Here's a comprehensive guide to migrating your existing PHP Web sites to ASP.NET using the PHP to ASP.NET Migration Assistant.
- 在Net Configuration Assistant快要結束的時候,可能會出現一個選項,用於測試與Oracle訂閱伺服器的連接。Near the end of the Net Configuration Assistant there might be an option to test the connection to the Oracle Subscriber.
- 設計和實現了基於EJB的數據分析助理DAA(Data Analysis Assistant)原型系統,並在該系統中進行挖掘實踐。We design and implement the DAA (Data Analysis Assistant) prototype system, then carried out mining practice with this system.
- 本節討論在使用Java Language Conversion Assistant轉換各種類型的應用程序時應遵循的過程和可能發生的問題。This section discusses the processes to follow and issues that may arise as you convert various types of applications using Java Language Conversion Assistant.
- 仔細檢查一下,是不是在行李箱了發現了筆記本電腦、電池、展接線、掌上電腦(Personal Digital Assistant個人數字助理)、手機和呼機?Maybe it's because of the laptop,batteries,extension cords,PDA,cell phone and pager you've stuffed into it.
- 仔細檢查一下,是不是在行李箱了發現了筆記本電腦、電池、展接線、掌上電腦(Personal Digital Assistant個人數字助理)、手機和呼機?Maybe it's because of the laptop, batteries, extension cords, PDA, cell phone and pager you've stuffed into it.
- Java Language Conversion Assistant會建立應用程序根目錄,將servlet類移動到另一個目錄,替換鏈接,並解析在Web.xml文件中定義的標記庫說明符。Java Language Conversion Assistant establishes the application root directory, moves servlet classes to a different directory, replaces links, and resolves tag library descriptors defined in the Web. Xml file.
- 一種具有字處理能力的文件管理系統,其特點是能理解使用英語的資料庫查詢。該系統是把四個功能強的產品(File, Write, Report, Assistant)組合而成的軟體包。The file manager with a word processor that understands English language database queries. It combines four powerful productivity products (File, Write, Report and Assistant) in a single package.
- 在本課題的研究中,設計並實現了一個基於本地運行的關係型嵌入式資料庫管理系統EDB(Base Database),用以實現對PDA(Personal Digital Assistant)上的數據的統一管理。In the subject, we designed and implemented an embedded database management system EDB (Ease Database), to manage the data of PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) uniformly.
- 例如,對於一個名稱為Managed_Folder_Assistant[Storage Group 01][Mailbox Database 01]20061018-1.log的文件,其前綴是Managed_Folder_Assistant[Storage Group 01][Mailbox Database 01]。For example, for a file with the name Managed_Folder_Assistant[Storage Group 01][Mailbox Database 01]20061018-1. Log, the prefix is Managed_Folder_Assistant[Storage Group 01][Mailbox Database 01].
- 目的回顧性總結本院18例10 kg以下低體重嬰幼兒先天性心臟病手術過程中選擇性應用腔靜脈負壓輔助引流(vacuum assistant venous drainage,VAVD)進行體外循環(extracorporeal circulation,ECC)的管理經驗。OBJECTIVE To retrospectively summarize the experience of the management of extracorporeal circulation(ECC) with the technique of vena cava negative pressure assist drainage in the low body weight infants(18 cases) with congenital heart diseases.
- 然而最使他心神不寧的,是店裡的壽生出去收賬到現在還沒有回來,林先生是等著壽生收的錢來開銷「客賬」。What made him most uneasy was that his assistant Shousheng still hadn't returned from the bill collecHe needed the money to pay off his account with the big Shanghai wholesale house.