the largest continent with 60% of the earth's population; it is joined to Europe on the west to form Eurasia; it is the site of some of the world's earliest civilizations
the nations of the Asian continent collectively
用作名詞 (n.)
He kept a journal of his wanderings across Asia. 他記自己漫遊亞洲的日記。
The company has begun to scale down its operations in Asia. 這家公司已開始減少在亞洲的業務。
China is a developing country in Asia. 中國是亞洲的發展中國家。
It is a programme beamed at Asia. 這是一個對亞洲地區廣播的節目。
Much of Central Asia was appropriated by the tsars only in the nineteenth century. 中亞細亞的大部分地區只是到了十九世紀才被沙皇所吞併。