- Arsenal scored in the final minute of the game. 阿森納隊在比賽的最後一分鐘進了一球。
- There is an arsenal in this city. 這座城市有一個軍工廠。
- Arsenal have just signed a new striker. 阿塞納爾隊剛僱用了一名新前鋒。
- He signed for Arsenal yesterday. 他昨天跟阿塞納爾隊簽了約。
- Liverpool chalked up yet another home victory against Arsenal. 利物浦隊又一次刷新了本地戰勝阿勝納隊的紀錄。
- He has lived one section of miserable life. 他過了一段悲慘的生活。
- Signals control each section of the railway track. 各種信號控制著鐵路軌道的每個部分。
- A hinged or removable section for a table top. 活動桌面桌子上部有鉸鏈連接或可移動的部分
- First the surgeon performed the section of the blood vessel. 外科醫生首先切開血管。
- He lived in a quiet section of uptown. 他住在住宅區的一個安靜的地段。
- Who is keeping goal/is in goal (ie is goalkeeper) for Arsenal? 誰給阿森納隊守球門?
- He occupied the other section of Martin's house. 他佔用了馬丁房子的另一部分。
- The architect drew the house in section. 建築師畫出房子的剖面圖。
- The last section sums up all the arguments on either side. 最後一部分總結了雙方的全部論點。
- She charmed the visitor with the arsenal of her blandishments. 她用無數的甜言蜜語迷住了訪客。
- A desk with a top section for books. 有抽屜或分類格的寫字檯
- A single roll or a rolled section. 一卷東西或被捲起來的一段
- The enemy bombers targeted our arsenal. 敵機把我們的兵工廠作為轟炸目標。
- The section gang was called out to fix the broken bridge. 養路工們被召集去搶修損壞的橋。
- There are eight forts in this section of the Great Wall. 這一段長城有八個垛口。