- Headquarters United States Army Forces Middle Pacific 中太平洋美陸軍司令部
- It is necessary to keep some army forces in reserve at peace time. 和平時期保留部分軍隊必要的。
- Our army forced the enemy to retreat. 我軍迫使敵人退卻。
- Will Chinese army force surpass US in few decades? 中國軍事力量幾十年內將超過,美國嗎?
- The EOF analysis indicates the relationship of the cumulus convection between equatorial middle Pacific, tropical western Pacific, the Arabian Sea and subtropical western Pacific. 經驗正交函數(EOF)分析的主要空間型反映了赤道中太平洋、熱帶西太平洋、阿拉伯海和副熱帶西太平洋地區的積雲對流活動存在一定的關係。
- The commander is directing the army forces and giving them orders from the observation post. 指揮員在觀察所里指揮軍隊,發號施令。
- The further study reveals that the enhancement (northward movement) and westward shift of the Subtropical High over the middle Pacific are closely related to the abnormally active convection in the ITCZ to the south and over the northern Bay of Bengal. 進一步分析表明 ,在太平洋中部副熱帶高壓的增強北跳和西伸之前 ,副熱帶高壓南側ITCZ中對流和孟加拉灣北部的對流活動明顯並且都經歷了一次增強活躍過程 ,這意味著熱帶ITCZ和孟加拉灣北部對流的異常活躍可能對副熱帶高壓的增強北跳西伸產生影響。
- On this independence day weekend, president Bush used his weekly radio to address thanks people who severed in the US army forces. 在周末的美國國慶日,布希總統用他的每周廣播向在美國軍隊中服役的人們致感謝詞。
- The Red Army forced its way across the Dadu River in May, 1935. 1935年5月,紅軍強渡大渡河。
- Ntiero was a player in Nigeria's Army Forces team and also at Calabar Rovers. He took over as the national team coach midway through 2006. 球員時代的恩蒂羅曾效力於奈及利亞陸軍隊和卡拉巴流浪者隊。2006年中,他接手了國家隊主教練的工作。
- Headquarters United States Army Forces Central Pacific Area 中太平洋地區美陸軍司令部
- In the aftermath of the Battle of Kursk, the Totenkopf and Das Reich Divisions were sent south to strengthen the Mius Front, which was being assaulted by large Red Army forces. 庫爾斯克會戰後,「骷髏」師和「帝國」師被派到南部加強米烏斯防線,那裡即將遭遇紅軍大軍的攻擊。
- Middle Pacific Airlift Command Post 中太平洋空運指揮所
- Army forces and technological industry of national defense have attached increasingly more and more importance to the research on maintainability design and analysis. 維修性是一種裝備固有的質量特性,有關維修性設計與分析的研究也日益受到軍隊和國防工業部門的重視。
- The Eastern China Liberated Area (including the Shantung and the Kiangsu-Anhwei Liberated Areas) with People's Liberation Army forces led by Chen Yi, Su Yu, Tan Chen-lin and other comrades. 華東解放區(包括山東解放區和蘇皖解放區),在那裡作戰的是由陳毅、粟裕、譚震林等領導的人民解放軍;
- The army was demoralized by defeat. 軍隊因戰敗而士氣消沉。
- The enemy army crumpled up under our attacks. 敵軍在我軍的攻擊下垮了。
- The American Waltham Watch Company, as it eventually became known, benefited greatly from a huge demand for watches during the Civil War, when Union Army forces used them to synchronize operations. 這家公司最後改名為美國華桑鐘錶公司,並在美國內戰中賺取暴利,因為當時的軍隊需要大量的表來協同作戰。
- But protracted operations of this kind help rather than hinder the main Red Army force in its battles of quick decision. 然而這些持久戰,只是幫助而並不妨礙主力紅軍的速決戰。
- The army defied the enemy's forces. 這支軍隊英勇抗敵。