- We need to strengthen the People's Armed Police. 加強人民武裝警察部隊建設。
- Zhao went to a class by the armed police squad police. 趙軍還特地去武警中隊借了一個班的警力。
- An armed police force organized like a military unit. 軍事警察象一支軍事分隊一樣組織起來的。
- Chinese Armed Police Forces Beijing City Corps Hospital No. 武警北京總隊第三醫院。
- The armed police forces are important armed strength in China. 摘要武警部隊是我國一支重要的武裝力量。
- From duty lochus of Langfang Armed Police Institute, like to play flute. 來自廊坊市武警學院勤務中隊,愛好長笛演奏。
- They are standing there arm in arm, facing the armed police angrily. 他們站在那兒臂挽著臂;憤怒地面對武裝警察。.
- Armed police have barricaded people again, stepping forward forcing them back. 武警再築人牆,雙方步步緊逼。
- Last year, my brother joined the armed police and became an honorable soldier. 去年,哥哥光榮地成為武警部隊的一名戰士。
- United States Forces Police Squadron 美軍憲兵中隊
- The armed police should strive for all-round improvement and be loyal guards of the Party and the people forever. 武裝警察部隊要加強全面建設,永遠做黨和人民的忠誠衛士。
- The army,the armed police and the militia have played an important role in defending and building up our motherland. 軍隊、武警和民兵在保衛和建設祖國中發揮了重要作用。
- To officers and men of the People's Liberation Army,the Armed Police and the public security police. 向全國各族人民,向各民主黨派、各人民團體和其他各界人士,對政府的信任和支持,表示衷心的感謝。
- At present, the city of Guilin has sent out armed police forces on a rescue mission to the front line. 目前,桂林市已派出武警部隊官兵趕赴一線進行搶險救災。
- The Chinese armed police soldiers had placed the safety of the Japanese Consulate as their top priority. 中國武警的任務就是保衛領事館的安全,這是最重要的。
- We will make the People's Armed Police more proficient and more capable of responding to emergencies. 進一步增強人民武裝警察部隊執勤和處置突發事件的能力。
- Wang Lei, from Beijing Armed Police Art Group, engaged on flute performance and teachings. Welcome to contact me! 來自北京武警文工團,從事長笛演出和教學,歡迎聯繫!
- Major bridges and tunnels of State railways shall be guarded by the Chinese People's Armed Police Forces. 第五十九條國家鐵路的重要橋樑和隧道,由中國人民武裝警察部隊負責守衛。
- Chengdu People's Armed Police Force Command College to the Leshan Giant Buddha How far is it? 摘要:成都武警指揮學院到樂山大佛有多遠?
- Photo: Armed police have used force to crack down on the mass rallies throughout the nation's capital, Yangon. 照片:在緬甸首都仰光,武裝軍警用武力鎮壓眾多的集會遊行抗議群眾。