- Archimedes said, saying: Give me a fulcrum, I can leveraging the Earth. 阿基米德說過一句話:給我一個支點,我可以撬動地球。
- Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.----Archimedes. 給我一個支點,我將撐起全世界。
- A conceptual diagram of an Archimedes heat ray. 阿基米德加熱光束的想象圖。
- Hydrometers is based on the Archimedes Law. 摘要浮計的原理是以阿基米德定律為根據的。
- Give me a fulcrum, I can pry to move the Earth! 給我一個支點,我能撬動地球!
- Become soon fork fulcrum stud bolt. 變速叉支點螺栓。
- Today, this is known as Archimedes'Principle. 這就是阿基米德定律。
- Title: Glia: the fulcrum of brain diseases. 神經膠質:腦疾病的支架。
- Archimedes flourished in the 3rd century B.C. 阿基米德活躍於公元前三世紀; 阿基米德是公元前三世紀的人。
- Use E for effirt,F for fulcrum and L for load. 用字母「E」代表施力,字母「F」代表支點,字母「L」代表負荷。
- Archimedes, On the Sphere and the Cylinder, 220B.C. 圓球體的表面積等於球體中最大圓的面積的4倍。
- Givng me a fulcrum, I will raise the Earth . 給我一個支點,我便可以撬起地球。
- Thanksgiving is an eternal fulcrum. 感恩更是一個永恆的支點。
- Give him a fulcrum,how can a person pry the earth? 給一個支點,如何撬動地球?
- A pair of chopsticks, must have a fulcrum. 一雙筷子,必須有一個支點。
- "Give me a fulcrum, I can the entire planet. 「給我一個支點,我可以撬起整個地球」。
- Fulcrum to you in life,to prize future. 給你人生支點,以撬動未來。
- One story says the Archimedes made a burning mirror to set fire to the Roman ships which were attacking Syracuse. 有一個故事說阿基米德製造了一個火焰鏡,點烯了進攻敘拉古的羅馬戰船。
- Natural value is the theoretical fulcrum of environmental ethics. 自然價值是環境倫理學的理論支點。