- One must also remenber the M6's limit of 1/1000 shutter speed and flash synch speed of 1/50. 而且大家還不要忘記M6的1/1000秒快門速度和1/50秒閃光同步速度的限制。
- One must also remember the M6's limit of 1/1000 shutter speed and flash synch speed of 1/50. 而且大家還不要忘記M6的1/1000秒快門速度的限制和閃光同步速度1/50秒的限制。
- It is the first time to obtain the real railway vehicle』s limit cycle curve and Hopf bifurcation point by roller rig test in the world. 論文還介紹了試驗台自1995年啟用以來,所完成的新型機車車輛大型試驗情況,以此說明由於有科學、合理的設計技術路線,試驗台的研製非常成功,在我國高速、重載機車車輛的研製過程中發揮了重要作用。
- Compared with even die-drawing, camber die-drawing』s limit drawing coefficient is detracted, so efficiency is increased. 曲面凹模拉深與平端面凹模拉深相比,降低了極限拉深係數,減少工序、提高了效率,降低了成本。
- Some problems are discussed in this paper which is「spale-restriction」,「time-restric- tion」and「cross-section-restriction on the transuranium s limit」. 本文討論了超鈾元素存在的「空間限制」、「時間限制」和「生成截面限制」。
- But it turned out, the timing for PC's Limited couldn't have been better. 而結果證明,那個時機成立個人電腦公司再好不過。
- Canion sneered and referred to PC's Limited as a novelty that wouldn't last. Canion對此很不屑一顧,他稱PC'sLimited是一個小玩意,不會持續太久。
- Modern net communication exceeds paper-media』s limits of one-way edit, slowness, ritualization, space limit and heavy transport. 現代網路媒介的交流方式,已打破紙質媒介傳播的單向性、緩慢性、儀式性、信息的版面局限性與物流的沉重性。
- This system of everything in its place sounds pretty good, but it has a flaw: It』s limited in scale by human memory. 「一切都各就各位的系統」,這聽起來非常好。 但是它也有缺陷,即它受到人類記憶水平的限制。
- The ensuing speculative boom inevitable leads to a break, th e economist said, in which panic psychology can take over and monetary policy ha s limited impact. 他說,接踵而至的投機風潮必然導致經濟泡沫的破裂,從而使恐慌心理佔據主導,那麼即使運用貨幣政策手段也難以奏效。
- Grant Gilmore, 「Introduction to Havighurst『s Limitations upon Freedom of contract」 Arizona State Law Journal. 關鍵詞:原則,意思自治,民法,意思自治原則,民事,自由,發展,主體,神聖
- Conch『s group『s limited company and Cherry car Co., Ltd. rank the 150th and 234 respectively. 海螺集團有限責任公司和奇瑞汽車有限公司分列第150位和234位。
- NERC's limited pilot program would be the first industry-level look at cyberspying on electric networks. NERC有限的試點項目將是全行業首個針對電網網路間諜的調查。
- The previous container』s limitations underscores why the company wanted to make a packaging change. 以前的集裝箱的局限性凸顯該公司為何要作包裝的變化。
- He posted about Ajax etc, then a follow-up which broaches the subject of XML』s limitations. 網路爆火背後的現實[新詩樂園] 明月千里寄相思,風花雪月 [奇趣妙答] 露股族穿超短褲露半個臀部[精靈美女] 哎呦!
- NKK's limited warranty is available only to customer and does not extend to any third party. NKK的有限保證只對客戶有效,並不能延伸至任何第三方。
- Given WIPO's limited resources, the Delegation did not support duplicating work already underway in other international organizations. 考慮到WIPO的資源有限,美國代表團不支持重複已經在其它國際組織中進行的工作。
- The paper focuses on technology and application of Cash Flow Testing(CFT);It also analyses the CFT"s limitations in practice. 重點闡述了現金流檢測技術的原理及其擴展應用,探討了其在實踐中存在的局限性,並介紹了動態財務分析方法。
- This disruption, expressing itself through Tom"s limited growth, will be delineated both temporally and spatially in the first part of my paper. 所以在論文的第一部分,筆者嘗試從時間和空間兩個視角切入去勾勒這種特殊性,即湯姆成長過程中的局限性。
- The ensuing speculative boom inevitable leads to a break,th e economist said,in which panic psychology can take over and monetary policy ha s limited impact. 他說,接踵而至的投機風潮必然導致經濟泡沫的破裂,從而使恐慌心理佔據主導,那麼即使運用貨幣政策手段也難以奏效。